After recent negative press reports on Alive Mediasoft, both
on the unmoderated
section of ANN, as well as on and Czech Amiga News, I was surprised to receive
an email from Steven Flowers saying:
Let me give you somthing real to right about Alive will close very soon
Earlier on, he already sent an email, trying to explain the situation with Goal 2000,
that you can read below.
Now, what is your opinion? Is Alive good or bad? What are your experiences with
them? Remember, this isn't a witch hunt, so please don't flame, just state the facts.
First of all I'm pretty pissed off. KDH whom I've never dealt with or heard
of have taken it upon themselves to distribute emails concerning the game
Goal 2000 and their subsequent decision to cease distributing our games
becasue they can't get it to work correctly, and there is a crack on the
Firstly, we received this enquiry only yesterday and acted immediately with an
explanation and details of how to run the game correctly. However, a
two-hour turnround on our response was apparantly not good enough and
they've felt the need to go public with this matter with ridiculous
accusations of it not being Goal 2000, but in fact just the plain old
original Goal.
Obviously this is not the case. The CD does contain Goal 2000 details are
below. Anyone having problems can contact us for advice.
What concerns me most is that people involved in the Amiga market seem to
have nothing better to do than sit around on the internet stirring up
trouble wherever possible when they don't have a clue about the real
This may be a part-time hobby to some people, and quite a few appear to take
great pleasure in dragging this market lower than it already is by
nit-picking and squabling about everything and anything they can get their
hands on.
Well it's about time that people realised this is a serious business with
peoples lives and homes on the line. It is not a game.
If anyone has concerns about a product, anyones, they should address it
with the company in question first, then if they are still unhappy with the
outcome and feel there is an injustice to the public then fair enough go
public, but at least wait for an explanation....
So Goal or Goal 2000?
Did Goal have a cup competition? NO
Did Goal have an aggregate knock-out competition? NO
Did Goal have the British Premier League? NO
Did Goal have a practically inpenetrable goalkeeper? YES
Did Goal have 1999-2000 teams? NO
So, how can Goal 2000 possibly be Goal?
I don't know what relevance this is but people seem intrigued... Goal 2000
is not a brand new project. We've never claimed it to be. It is in fact
an old game called Goal Championship Cup Edition which never got released.
Alive obtained this, updated it to the latest leagues and released it as
Goal 2000.
Yes, there is a crack on the front as this was the only version available at
the time of release, as is the case nowadays with so many re-releases and
the like.
August will see the release of a free update for all Goal 2000 owners
providing them with all the new teams for next years league and will also
eliminate the crack from the front-end.
Last but not least we have been contacted by our German distributer GTI
concerning this. As our products go through many third parties to reach
Europe, it took a long time for the news of KDH's dissatisfaction to reach
As it turns out we have now had response from GTI stating they are satisfied
with the product and there is no question of the origin of the game.
Although this matter is now resolved to everyones satisfaction, it would
have been alot better if people would contact us directly and wait for a
response before jumping on the band waggon to put everything up on
I'm sick of explaining myself to the whole Amiga community about things that
don't concern them but some people feel a need to be arrogant so I must
address them.
The customer who bought Goal 2000 from us and has had trouble running it has
indeed emailed us a few days ago about this. However, he's only bothered
to email Jennie who is now on maternity leave and only gets her mail a few
times a week. Alive have several emails including a technical support one
for these exact type of problems. There's also the phone, yet he's never
bothered trying any of these. He's now had a response explaining where's
he's going wrong, but yet again news of this "problem" is already
circulating around the news groups. There's really no need for this is
Bottom line is, this kind of pettiness will stop the public buying Alive's
games - result being no more Alive mediasoft....
Now KDH have stopped selling Alive's products, you all know where to come
for Elite 3 now don't you? He! He! He!
ALIVE mediasoft
Steven Flowers
The Pulse Editor