[News] Former Microsoft exec to join Amiga? | ANN.lu |
Posted on 13-Jun-2000 08:51 GMT by Christian Kemp | 21 comments View flat View list |
An anonymous poster left this link in a comment here on ANN. The article says, Tod Nielsen, vice president of developer marketing, becomes the latest in a string of high-profile departures from the software maker. Nielsen plans to join a startup in the greater Seattle area. Taking into account that Amiga Inc are located in the Seattle area (IIRC), and Bill McEwen made a very specific comment (read more, fourth paragraph) at the Neuss show, this might - but not necessarily has to be - an indication of things to come.
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Former Microsoft exec to join Amiga? : Comment 17 of 21 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Michael Jantzen on 14-Jun-2000 22:00 GMT | lest we forget that Seattle is a really hopping place for .com companies - for instance amazon.com home office is there.
Michael Jantzen ^_^ |
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