Posted on 11-Sep-2000 18:47 GMT by Christian Kemp | 7 comments View flat View list |
It's been quite some time since I last wrote a MOTD... This one is supposed to announce beta15 of the scripts, now with a more colorful rating interface (although I'm not entirely satisfied with it yet) and a bugfix that suppresses the "Read More" link for concerned articles in a comment's flat view and shows the entire article instead. Besides that, my life has been changing lately, not always for the better, and I haven't always had the opportunity and motivation to update ANN. Even though Teemu is doing an excellent job, I'd still appreciate an additional moderator or two to increase the number of articles posted on the main page, especially for (but not limited to) the files and/or web section.
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ANN v2 beta15 : Comment 1 of 7 | |
Posted by Björn Hagström on 10-Sep-2000 22:00 GMT | If you're going to have a coloured rating system, I suggest that you
colour the text (1-5), and not the background, makes it a bit non flashy.
And perhaps a different scale, like dark red to black to dark blue ..
/Björn |
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