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[News] AROS updateANN.lu
Posted on 15-Sep-2000 19:25 GMT by Teemu I. Yliselä3 comments
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Aaron Digulla sent out a new AROS status report. Read it below.

Again, more than one month has passed since the last status update *sigh*. It's not that there are no news; it's me :-) Ok, again whole six weeks of news:

Michael Schulz had to stop working on AROS Native/i386 because he's moving. Nonetheless, the native version of AROS boots (you can move the mouse and you will see some windows) but since there still is no filesystem, you cannot run any programs. We try to get the sources for SFS to fix this. The author has been positive to open the sources but he wants to clean them first.

Work is also being done to make AROS boot with Bochs and VMware. It already works with VMware but VMware is quite expensive.

Also, we try to compile AROS on UAE (http://www.freiburg.linux.de/~uae/) with the new JIT (http://byron.csse.monash.edu.au/) by Bernie Mayer. The JIT seems to work, the compile doesn't (yet). This would be a great step to help to debug AROS.

Some bugs were introduced into BGUI by porting it to AROS but these were squased. BGUI now compiles on AROS and AmigaOS. We plan to develop our version of the Workbench with it. Also, work has begun to move the BGUI site to the AROS site (which means that it will be much more often be down ;-) Honestly, I'm working on fixing this :-)

Also, the AROS port to NetBSD/x86 has been updated (it compiles again) plus there is a new port to Solaris/sparc. The new port compiles but AROS doesn't start, yet.

On a sad note, the AROS project at my company, the Sowatec AG (http://www.sowatec.com/) has not started. On the positive side, it has not been dropped, either. The problem is that we simply cannot find enough people to staff it. So if you're living in Europe, interested in the Amiga and willing to work with PCs and Unix, please get in contact with us (the restriction with Europe is just because of the problems we would have to get a work permission for you plus the higher risk we would impose in you moving here).

Sowatec AG, CH-8330 Pfäffikon (ZH)
Witzbergstr. 7, http://www.sowatec.com
Tel: +41-(0)1-952 55 55
Fax: +41-(0)1-952 55 66
Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla, digulla@sowatec.com
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Comment 1XDelusion15-Sep-2000 22:00 GMT
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