[News] Merlancia announce a series of computers | ANN.lu |
Posted on 20-Oct-2000 09:09 GMT by Teemu I. Yliselä | 33 comments View flat View list |
On this page, Merlancia Systems Engineering Labs (who seem to be affiliated with the Amiga dealer of the same name) announce the Torro series of multimedia computers, all running the new Amiga DE. They include desktops, handhelds, set-top-boxes and whatnot and run on Motorola processors (PPC and Coldfire) and Merlancia's own CPU (?). Make of it what you wish...
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Merlancia announce a series of computers : Comment 32 of 33 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 21-Oct-2000 22:00 GMT | In reply to Comment 31 (Anonymous): I would REALLY like to see Amiga Inc make it, but everything that has
happened in the last months happened in such a unprofessional
fashion... the Mario64 thingy on their website, the way they handle
press releases, everything would be so much clearer if they'd made
separate announcements, eg. first announcing OS3.9 as a transitional
OS release, then announcing new hardware to make existing Amigas ready
for the AmigaOne standard, and the announcing the AmigaOne etc.. The
way they handled it (throwing all the facts into one hard to read
press release) is just so unprofessional and confusing.
Then their website layout, it is not consistent, click a link and you
might think you've stumbled onto a new site...
And have you seen the d'Amiga? I'm sure nobody expected a designer
case a la Apple Mac, after all it's just a dev machine, but it has to
have a huge boing ball on either site (a cheap sticker), making it
look, well, cheap...
And now I'm sorry to say the layout of this new company kinda fits...
I mean one look in a beginner's book on design would tell you how
awful these logos look... Tsunami with a combined "TS" (??) and a
Amiga style "I" with a strange spot on top of it (four very different
styles in one logo).
The technology of Amiga may be extraordinary, they may have very
talented people and the guy wanting to produce this machines is
certainly a true Amiga lover and will eventually sell these machines,
but it seems nobody is able to do some basic PR work.. They will
definitely have to work on this |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
Comment 33 | Merlancia Industries | | 21-Oct-2000 22:00 GMT |
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