[Motd] Please vote for me | ANN.lu |
Posted on 26-Nov-2000 20:57 GMT by Christian Kemp | 4 comments View flat View list |
In four days, voting for the Luxembourgish Web Awards will be over, and I would greatly appreciate if you could cast two votes for me, if you didn't already do so. Please vote for Amiga Network News and vote for my homepage by filling out the forms with your first and last name and email address. Both sites are in separate categories (editorial and personal), so voting for one won't affect the other. Why you should vote? Because there is a life after school, and winning the awards makes a nice addition on my resumé, not to mention opening potential doors for freelance work. And a webmaster who's winning is a happy webmaster, and a happy webmaster invests more time in his projects. Reasons enough? :)
List of all comments to this articleSorted by date, most recent at bottom |
Comment 1 | amorel | | 25-Nov-2000 23:00 GMT |
Comment 2 | Christer Jansson | | 25-Nov-2000 23:00 GMT |
Please vote for me : Comment 3 of 4 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Kjetil Hvalstrand on 26-Nov-2000 23:00 GMT | I hate this News FLASH!!!!
stop it!. |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
Comment 4 | Kay Are Ulvestad | | 26-Nov-2000 23:00 GMT |
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