[News] Explanations from Fleecy, part 2 | ANN.lu |
Posted on 01-Apr-2001 10:41 GMT by Christian Kemp | 49 comments View flat View list |
Fleecy writes: AmigaOS4 will only run on hardware that conforms to the zico
specification - currently that is the Eyetech AmigaOne (which also offers full backwards compatibility with AA chipset access applications) and the bPlan AmigaOne, which will run AmigaOS4 apps and older apps which use retargetable coding. We look forwards to other Amiga hardware companies developing zico based solutions and are actively talking to them.
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Explanations from Fleecy, part 2 : Comment 30 of 49 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Amifan on 31-Mar-2001 22:00 GMT | In reply to Comment 26 (Kay Are Ulvestad): Well, at least some of the Amiga's past discussions are alive again....
Remember de ECS vs. AG discussion....what?? I cannot run AGA games on my a500?? Do you expect me to upgrade?? Commodore just wants to get as much money bla bla bla....
Or what about the 68000 vs. >=68020 why not make your software run on a 68000, I can live with the performance hit bla bla bla.....
-There was a A1000 with the kickstart on a floppy....
Time to move on...so it written in a rom now...
-There was OCS/ECS...the PC was getting better gfx
time to move on, AG was born...OCS/ECS users felt like being left in the cold..
-AGA wasn't able to meet the demands of gfx manupulations anymore and offering high resolutions
Time to move on, GFX cards ecame more common
- 68060 was the last out of the 68k series, not enough power to meet te demands of gams like quake, and playing hires MPEG movies...or plying mp3 songs while still bein able to do something usefull with your amiga
Again time to more on...Dual cpu cards were developed by phase 5 (being a *bridge* between 68k and PPC!!)
- The latest game releses on the Amiga made one thing lear...we need faster 3Dgfx cards
Time to ditch the bvision and a temporarely sollution like the Mediator was born.....
- Soon there will e a PowerPC native sollution...New 3D api, actually a PC gfxchip manufacturer as partner (!) something we could only have dreamed about some years ago.
Time to move on and leave the bridge system, it served long enough (four years or somthing?). Bridge is not needed it's time to upgrade to modern hardware with (almost) the latest technology.
We are talkin about cpu's with a total of more then 10 GIPS cpu power (motorola likes to call them 10 giga multimedia instructions per second).
What about AGP?
64 bit 133Mhz (but only usable as 100Mhz) SDRAM
UDMA66 IDE.....we are talking about 20mb/sec at least (try to reach that with a Powerflyer)
6 (!) pci slots.....
and last but not least....a CPU slot, just like th old commodore days...not a soldered CPU, but upgradable....
But in the end after so much great news, fact this was the discussion half a year ago...we need a nativ PPC os....we want nw hardware..., there are always complainers...
So what more do you want!!?? |
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