[News] Amiga 2001 news update (updated) | ANN.lu |
Posted on 18-Nov-2001 15:07 GMT by Teemu I. Yliselä | 69 comments View flat View list |
Some news gathered from several sources attending the show.
A complete Pegasos-based computer system that will be on sale next year will cost approximately 1000 euro (~$900). The motherboards will also be available separately.
Hyperion and Haage & Partner are developing AmigaOS 4 with several other developers. New features include:
- PPC native Picasso96
- New Warp3D with "Matrox-, Permedia3- and Radeon1/2-support"
- Generic PCI-drivers
- USB-support
- BlizzardPPC-support evaluated
- Integrated 68k-emulation
- PPC datatypes
- Price: approximately the same as OS3.9
- Initial release planned for February
Hyperion also told that they've been talking with both Elbox and BPlan and that they want to have versions of AmigaOS 4 for the SharkPPC and Pegasos.
[The original item I posted had some mistakes in it, and since amiga-news.de even took down the article I used as a primary source, I decided to repost the item edited - Teemu] [I merged new article and old comments - CK]
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Amiga 2001 news update (updated) : Comment 62 of 69 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Dave on 20-Nov-2001 07:44 GMT | In reply to Comment 58 (Anonymous): Who cares whether you were impressed or not? It wasnt a rock concert where you
write up your critique at the end and publish it or a film where at the end you
can come over all anal and post on the IMDB.
When you use humour you have to judge your audience. Even those that use "gallows", "grave" or
"toilet" humour know when and when not to use it.
Frankly I think both those posters that used the WTC disaster as an excuse
for poking fun arent disfunctional, they are retarded and have absolutely no
sense of reality.
If you think it is justified to brand that as "black" humour, go and stand in the rubble
of ground zero and repeat the "joke"(s).
Just because it didnt happen to you, or anyone near to you does not mean that
it was not real and did not hurt many people more than your cretinous soul will
ever feel.
Anyway, enough.
Dave. |
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