[News] Interest for OS 4 screenshots staggering | ANN.lu |
Posted on 24-Apr-2002 11:18 GMT by Ben Hermans/Hyperion | 67 comments View flat View list |
In the last 48 hours interest in the OS 4 screenshots was such that it threatens to overwhelm the server.
- 50000 visitors (!)
- 9000000 page views
- 2.2 million files transfered
- 17.67 GB of traffic
All within 48 HOURS
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Interest for OS 4 screenshots staggering : Comment 19 of 67 | ANN.lu |
Posted by acg on 24-Apr-2002 16:01 GMT | The screenshots weren't that great, but I visited twice,
and am excited to see OS4 hit the shelves with AmigaONe....
If you could generate 50,000 sales of AOS4 and AmigaONe,
you could be on a roll....
I would like to see someone develop the new AmigaOne into
a standard machine which can handle something like 16-50
video feeds at once for security outfits, think of the market,
shopping malls, hospitals, airports, sports stadiums, etc..
If it becomes a defacto standard, like The toaster did for
a while, you could hog a big share of the market, then you
could "introduce games, etc to the device" and those people
familiar with the machine would buy amigaone for home use...
and then if it runs AmigaDE, they can be associated with any
other platform, format they want...It would be a great way
to bust into the mainstream computing market....
(oooh...wake up, man you're dreaming...) |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
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