[News] Interest for OS 4 screenshots staggering | ANN.lu |
Posted on 24-Apr-2002 11:18 GMT by Ben Hermans/Hyperion | 67 comments View flat View list |
In the last 48 hours interest in the OS 4 screenshots was such that it threatens to overwhelm the server.
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All within 48 HOURS
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Interest for OS 4 screenshots staggering : Comment 48 of 67 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Ole-Egil Hvitmyren on 25-Apr-2002 06:59 GMT | In reply to Comment 35 (Johan "Graak" Forsberg): Any product, no matter what it is FOR, has that clause in the license. That's basically to cover your ass so that if someone uses your product for something it wasn't tested you can't complain back to YOU about it. On the other hand, ultrasound scanners for medical use used to have 68040's with vxWorks communicating with a 68040 mac running matlab or similar programs. Nowadays they use w2k, because (and this is a direct quote from an engineer at vingmed ultrasound) "our customers use windows and don't know there are alternatives, so we have to, or they wouldn't take us seriously". This change came when they stopped making pure hardware scanners and started putting more of the bits into software. So they can't use linux, they have to base it around w2k. For something that is used while operating on your brain or heart. Remind me not to get sick, eh? |
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