[News] Pegasos and Morphos on German TV 3Sat | ANN.lu |
Posted on 15-May-2002 20:36 GMT by Christophe Decanini | 272 comments View flat View list |
The bplan GmbH would like to inform you about the Computer Magazine taking place on the 27th of may at 9.30 pm.
neues - das Computer- und Telekommunikationsmagazin auf 3sat
There is an IRC chat scheduled after the show.
Check it out here.
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Pegasos and Morphos on German TV 3Sat : Comment 158 of 272 | ANN.lu |
Posted by redrumloa on 17-May-2002 11:13 GMT | In reply to Comment 155 (DaveW): @DaveW
Oh yeah i am just so excitied about buying this LOVELY bPlan MB made by the supreme DCE. I am messing my pants because of the high quality DCE has consistantly shown! Brand new dead PPC cards that you return for repair and never get back? Who said that? Oh that's right not just you, but every freakin DCE customer! What a scam. I came this | | close to buying a ridiculously overpriced DCE made CS-PPC card, thank god I stopped having those delusions.
Come on now! Aren't there comsumer protection laws in Germany? How can such an outright SCAM survive? |
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