[News] Pegasos and Morphos on German TV 3Sat | ANN.lu |
Posted on 15-May-2002 20:36 GMT by Christophe Decanini | 272 comments View flat View list |
The bplan GmbH would like to inform you about the Computer Magazine taking place on the 27th of may at 9.30 pm.
neues - das Computer- und Telekommunikationsmagazin auf 3sat
There is an IRC chat scheduled after the show.
Check it out here.
List of all comments to this articleSorted by date, most recent at bottom |
Comment 1 | Christophe Decanini | | 15-May-2002 18:40 GMT |
Comment 2 | bhickman | | 15-May-2002 18:53 GMT |
Comment 3 | David Scheibler | | 15-May-2002 18:55 GMT |
Pegasos and Morphos on German TV 3Sat : Comment 4 of 272 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Christian Kemp on 15-May-2002 18:58 GMT | In reply to Comment 1 (Christophe Decanini): Agreed on all points.
People, I understand that many of you are not native English speakers, but please make an effort when commenting... The deleted thread had some pretty bad English in it, not because of it being such a difficult language, but because a lot of people just seem to want to get their point across in a hurry without ever considering or re-reading what they write. Nothing weakens an argument more effectively than using the wrong words (and style) to bring it across.
(Obvious disclaimer: My English is not perfect either. Neither are all of my arguments. I'm not targeting anyone in particular. But you get the idea. :) |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
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