[News] Pegasos and Morphos on German TV 3Sat | ANN.lu |
Posted on 15-May-2002 20:36 GMT by Christophe Decanini | 272 comments View flat View list |
The bplan GmbH would like to inform you about the Computer Magazine taking place on the 27th of may at 9.30 pm.
neues - das Computer- und Telekommunikationsmagazin auf 3sat
There is an IRC chat scheduled after the show.
Check it out here.
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Pegasos and Morphos on German TV 3Sat : Comment 85 of 272 | ANN.lu |
Posted by David Scheibler on 16-May-2002 15:11 GMT | In reply to Comment 83 (priest): >LOL! Get real. How could Hyperion threat bplan? With what?
>But Amiga Inc could threat bplan, if their product is sold with unlicenced
>Amiga technology.
I only see Hyperion making such statements in public. In fact Mr Peake said
that this is very unprofessional (see AmigaOne ML).
>Ah, you rather believe DCE, the german company?
You rather believe Hyperion, the company with German coders?
>It's just word against word situation then, except that a lot more people
>complain about DCE.
Well, DCE sold more than a few hundred products to the Amiga market....
>I have heard things how DCE blames Hyperion for the problems with their Grex
>(when the issue is asked by dealers).
And Hyperion members have clarified that it does not come from DCE but only
from one dealer.
>And Hyperion says it has not received any new HW specification from DCE so
>that they could see where the problem is.
Right, instead Hyperion makes guess work without having the driver, or the
hardware. They don't know where the problem is but just guess that it might be
this or that and that it is impossible to fix without DCE and therefore blame
DCE. If you ask Hyperion if they were informed about the problem and that it is
already fixed by DCE then they are quiet very fast.
>And IIRC, those drivers have worked ok, untill DCE did some changes...
Exactly. And DCE already fixed it. But Hyperion doesn't want to comment this of
course. Instead their guess work goes on.
>I think there is very little interest for Eyetech to support MOS at this time
Also true for bplan and OS4 and its legal situation. |
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