[News] Olaf Barthel Interview | ANN.lu |
Posted on 10-Jun-2002 09:11 GMT by Rodney McDonell | 56 comments View flat View list |
Finaly i have finished my interview with Olaf Barthel. At near 6000 words, its not a bad read, and probably one of my best interviews yet. Get to know a great man, read it now!
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Olaf Barthel Interview : Comment 31 of 56 | ANN.lu |
Posted by kjetil on 11-Jun-2002 04:29 GMT | In reply to Comment 23 (Anonymous): I was expecting an comment like this.
Don’t think you ever bother with posting if you needed to run spell checker on all you’re posts. And tell my watt is so grate about you, that you have the right judge me or any one else on the trend, that are dyslexic as you say. Watt have you achieved in you’re life?
Have you ever bin tolled you should give up by any one? If so then you shoed now watt I am taking about, The only problem with giving up that you do not get any where in you’re life,
To being able to read and write is the basic skill any one needs in modern society, to give up that is like giving up every thing, all wisdom is based on education true life and book and speech and being able to have an social mind, |
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