[News] OS 4 coverage on OS news | ANN.lu |
Posted on 15-Jul-2002 06:57 GMT by SimplePPC | 116 comments View flat View list |
Mike Bouma did an excellent write-up on OS 4 for OS news. Includes 5 unreleased screenshots. The article can be found here.
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OS 4 coverage on OS news : Comment 59 of 116 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Troels E on 15-Jul-2002 14:15 GMT | Looks pretty good!
Funny to read the comments to the article on OSnews. Most of the positive comments are from former Amiga users, who stopped using their Amiga's years ago.
All the negative crap obviously comes from anonymous people who seems to have a bit more knowledge about the current battle between AmigaOS and MorphOS, and offcourse the POP board fans (who are allways ready to tell you a little story about ALL the POP board developers and the BIG BIG market for the boards:-).
To me it seems all they try to achieve is to damage Amiga/Hyperion/Eyetech as much as possible, they are nothing but TROLLS. At least they look more and more desperate...thats a good thing!
BTW: Nice article, Mike! |
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