[Rant] Microsoft extend their monopolistic behaviours (again) | ANN.lu |
Posted on 11-Aug-2002 13:33 GMT by Cyberwlf | 56 comments View flat View list |
Microsoft have cracked down on retailers trying to sell alternate OS's when they sign a contract to sell Windoze. (This theoretically effecting people selling Amithlon pre-installed, or the likes). Essentially saying... :
(from slashdot.org) "Some Sys Admin sent in an email that he got from Dell which basically says Microsoft will no longer allow Dell to sell PCs without an operating system. " - But if you think this was only Dell, the wording seems to effect all retailers, read article for more information: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/08/10/1420208.
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Microsoft extend their monopolistic behaviours (again) : Comment 54 of 56 | ANN.lu |
Posted by kjetil on 15-Aug-2002 05:28 GMT | In reply to Comment 50 (Brad Ray): Don’t know where this is coming from,
Well the root user is used administrate on large server, on home computers there is no need to run any otter user, if you do how ever you most make shore as root user that the binary’s that is safe to run by normal users wont hare the system, if how ever you like so start an program that need to be root user, you can change to root user for short time, using the command ‘su’
If there is programs that you like to open up for otter users you most change protection flags on the executable, by using chmod, chgrp and chusr, if you type ‘chmod +s /bin/program this will make the exec execute run as root even if you are loged in as some one else, nice.
If more then one user need to have access you need to make an group of user that is going to be allowed to have access to this executables.
If youre computer crashes even if you are running linux this might have something to do with IRQ sharingIRQ conflicts, you probely have the same problem in windows I’m I right?
If programs crash, use kill, killall, top, to stop the crashed program,
If get distorted vga display or you can’t type on the keyboard problems, login with telnet, then change to root, do not do this if you are local net, using an hub with lots of hackers around you. telnet ip packages is not encrypted, you can if you install ssh, secure shell, if you have network with an switch then no one can sniff the data inside the IP, if you don’t like use bash, well do not use linux use MacOS, Windows2000, you are probably not the type for linux any way.
PS this is not an linux site, direct this type of FAQ to linux sites, or read the man, and look for "how to" files on the net. |
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