[Files] Amiga Arena - Fullversion "FileX" | ANN.lu |
Posted on 06-Sep-2002 19:25 GMT by Amiga Arena | 6 comments View flat View list |
With the permission from "Klass Hermanns",the Amiga Arena
released the fullversion from the "FileX".
FileX is a binary file editor which offers the following features:
- Several files can be modified in several windows and/or views at the same time.
- The edit windows can be opened on any public screen
- Clipboard converter
- Fontsensitivity
- Locale support
- Undo and Redo (only limited to your free memory)
- Search and replace with history
- Extensive blockfunctions
- ARexxport with 77 commands and asynchronical command shell
- Printing as hexdump
- `Grab memory' to show and modify memory
- AppWindow.
List of all comments to this articleSorted by date, most recent at bottom |
Comment 1 | kevin orme | | 06-Sep-2002 18:40 GMT |
Comment 2 | Kronos | | 06-Sep-2002 19:11 GMT |
Comment 3 | Amiga Arena | | 07-Sep-2002 07:31 GMT |
Amiga Arena - Fullversion "FileX" : Comment 4 of 6 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 08-Sep-2002 07:21 GMT | In reply to Comment 3 (Amiga Arena): I've never even heard of Amiga Arena, it's very poor form
if you expect us to look it up on Google. Anyway, thanks
for the copy of FileX. I was impressed with that tool when it
first came out all those years ago. I decided not pay the
reg because I figured the author would get bored sooner
or later and release it as freeware. Looks like I was
right again and have saved myself a decent wad of cash. |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
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