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[News] Pagan Games UpdateANN.lu
Posted on 27-Nov-2002 12:08 GMT by Thomas Würgler23 comments
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Pagan Games posted an official update on their website today. The entire piece is also posted here: Hello everyone!

It's been a while since our last update, but here is a report on our current status.

First of all we might as well get this out of the way - Dafel: Bloodline is still on hold. It's not cancelled, but we're reconsidering what the appropriate media for this title is. It is obvious that doing a version for 68k Amigas would be futile nowadays, yet on the other hand it would require a serious overhaul to be suitable for the AmigaOne. We've been considering smaller versions of the game - installments if you will - on AmigaDE, which would allow users to play the game both on PDAs and Amigas, once AmigaDE is implemented in AmigaOS 4. We do have plenty to do with our current projects, though, so time will tell what happens. One day Dafel: Bloodline will be a reality, but not just yet. The same goes for Scavengers and Magick by the way.

What are we doing then? Well, first of all we are working on two AmigaDE titles. One will be a puzzle/platformer called Quingle and the other is a straight puzzle game. The latter is as of yet unnamed, but will be rather different from what you've seen before. We're progressing quickly on the unnamed title, and hope to have it out very soon.

Quingle hit a bit of a speed bump some time ago, but is picking up its pace again. Hopefully we'll have some screenshots for you to look at in the near future. It is a very nice looking game. It has a old-school cartoony pixel-style, which has been updated for the 21st century, combining the best of both worlds.

We're also working on a shoot 'em up project. This is a somewhat massive project, so it will be some time till it's done. We are currently developing it with the Dreamcast in mind, thanks to the excellent publicly available development tools, but we are definitely interested in seeing it on other platforms as well. AmigaOne could do with a bit of hardcore shooter action - don't you think? The game has an unusually interesting story line, highly polished graphics and lots and lots of action. If you have seen GigaWing 2 or Ikaruga, you know what I mean when I say action.

Here's hoping that we'll all have shiny new AmigaOnes in the near future. We want to express our gratitude towards Amiga Inc., for providing excellent support, Hyperion for doing such an awesome job on AmigaOS 4 and being generally nice guys, and Eyetech for making the effort to get the AmigaOne out there to the people.

Pagan Games

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Comment 1buzz27-Nov-2002 11:17 GMT
Comment 2brotheris27-Nov-2002 12:10 GMT
Comment 3joe27-Nov-2002 12:28 GMT
Comment 4Robert27-Nov-2002 12:58 GMT
Comment 5Thomas Würgler27-Nov-2002 13:09 GMT
Comment 6Don Cox27-Nov-2002 14:16 GMT
Comment 7Anonymous27-Nov-2002 15:16 GMT
Comment 8Anonymous27-Nov-2002 15:32 GMT
Comment 9Thomas Würgler27-Nov-2002 15:36 GMT
Comment 10Thomas Würgler27-Nov-2002 15:37 GMT
Comment 11brotheris27-Nov-2002 15:43 GMT
Comment 12priest27-Nov-2002 16:04 GMT
Comment 13Thomas Würgler27-Nov-2002 16:17 GMT
Comment 14SlimJim27-Nov-2002 16:20 GMT
Comment 15SlimJim27-Nov-2002 16:23 GMT
Comment 16NihilVor27-Nov-2002 17:45 GMT
Comment 17redrumloa27-Nov-2002 20:15 GMT
Comment 18buzz27-Nov-2002 22:19 GMT
Comment 19Kal-L27-Nov-2002 22:41 GMT
Comment 20Anonymous28-Nov-2002 02:10 GMT
Comment 21Thomas Würgler28-Nov-2002 09:21 GMT
Comment 22Thomas Würgler28-Nov-2002 09:21 GMT
Comment 23Thomas Würgler28-Nov-2002 09:24 GMT
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