[News] AmigaOne @ Amiga+Retro Computing 2002 | ANN.lu |
Posted on 30-Nov-2002 13:06 GMT by catohagen | 52 comments View flat View list |
After it was clear that neither Amiga Inc., nor Eyetech and Hyperion Entertainment will present the new AmigaOne at the AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002, we started thinking about how to get an AmigaOne to the show anyway.
Source : Amiga-news.de
The solution is an offer from Computer City.
Owner Ron van Herk provides his own AmigaOne, and the members of the
Amiga-Club im BTX & Internet
will do the presentation.
The computer on display is an AmigaOneSE-G3 with 750CXe 600 MHz CPU,
equipped with 128 MB SDRAM PC133 and an ATI Radeion 7000 64 MB SDR
VGA graphics card with TV-Out, and of course the Cherry
Cybo@rd-keyboard that's being sold by Computer City. The operating
system installed is only a Suse LinuxPPC 7.3, but it'll give an
impression of the hardware.
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AmigaOne @ Amiga+Retro Computing 2002 : Comment 36 of 52 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Phill on 01-Dec-2002 08:41 GMT | In reply to Comment 23 (takemehomegrandma): >This isn't a war, it's a project. Projects usually have goals, and milestones >along the way. Of course there could be certain "unknowns" and surprizes, but >I find it hard to believe that there really are *that* many unknowns at this >time (when they actually are selling the product).
It doesn't sound like you have much experience in software development.
Windows 2000 slipped it's schedule by about one and a half years. That included shedding a load of features that have either been completely forgotton or have now shown up some years later in Windows XP.
Microsoft don't have much of a problem with money, but Amiga/Hyperion/Eyetech do. Personally I think the coupons that Amiga sold a year or so ago were a crap idea, but at least the motherboards are available now with Linux. It is basically giving them a foot in the door, if you buy an AmigaOne now then you won't buy a MorphOS machine next week.
>Of course. But still, they are selling the product *now* (I consider OS4 and >A1 to be two components of *one* product). If they can't tell their customers >when they can start to use their "new Amigas" as "Amigas", then they >shouldn't be selling the product at this time IMHO.
You don't have to buy it, but I don't like you saying what other people are allowed to buy. They were always going to sell a Linux version of this board that can't run AmigaOS, the only difference is that you can currently buy a Linux system with the ability to run AmigaOS in the future.
>But perhaps it's true what they (McEwen, Hermans, Redhouse) said in November >20: "AmigaOS4.0 in its final stages of development and testing". Perhaps it >is a final, fully betatested, version of OS4 that is to be released in spring >2003? Who knows? Certainly not their customers ...
I doubt it's that well tested right now, people aren't going to let it be.
It might not be full of bugs, as the majority of bugs come out of a bad design or lack of programming style. If you are good then it's possible to write software without any show stopping bugs. However it's also possible that on the day that the software is to be sent out to master, that a really bad bug is found that has been unnoticed so far that means you have to go away for a couple of weeks.
Kickstart 1.0/1.1 was so bad they had to software load it as there were so many bugs. Kickstart 1.2/1.3 were better, but if you read the Kickstart 2.04 release notes you'll realise just how bad they really were. From then, up until Kickstart 3.1, they had minor problems but even some of those have gone unfixed for years. |
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