[News] Hollywood 1.5 status report | ANN.lu |
Posted on 11-Feb-2003 21:40 GMT by Andreas Falkenhahn (Edited on 2003-02-12 10:06:12 GMT by Christian Kemp) | 10 comments View flat View list |
Here's a quick status report of the current Hollywood development. Version 1.5 is now going through beta testing and should be available by the end of February. Hollywood 1.5 will feature some major improvements. [Below is] an overview of the new features in Hollywood 1.5.
- Full support for AHI (sound samples & music modules)
- Multiple layers can be used now
- Joystick support
- Big improvements to the inbuilt undo system
- FPS can be limited now (useful on Pegasos)
- Introducing support for off-screen rendering
- Even more of those cool 24-bit transition fx!
- New flexible object moving system
- Many other innovative improvements
Hollywood 1.5 will be made freely available for all owners of Hollywood 1.0.
Check http://www.airsoftsoftwair.com/
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