[News] BoXiKoN for MorphOS | ANN.lu |
Posted on 12-Feb-2003 09:05 GMT by Thomas Steiding (Edited on 2003-02-13 09:08:46 GMT by Christian Kemp) | 6 comments View flat View list |
Addictive new puzzle game BoXiKoN for MorphOS was finished today. (Link)
Puzzle game BoXiKoN finished for MorphOS
Our addictive puzzle game BoXiKoN has been finished for MorphOS. Originally developed for the Amiga (R) computer this game has become very popular on other desktop and handheld platforms including Macntosh, PocketPC and Windows. BoXiKoN is a fun and addictive new puzzle game of strategy and logic. The game belongs to the family of shape games but BoXiKoN really is quite different. There is a large emphasis on planning, organization and selection and less on arcade style quick reactions. You can find out more on BoXiKoN in the projects section of our homepage.
List of all comments to this articleSorted by date, most recent at bottom |
Comment 1 | Christian Kemp | | 12-Feb-2003 08:19 GMT |
Comment 2 | o1i | | 12-Feb-2003 08:52 GMT |
Comment 3 | mahen | | 12-Feb-2003 12:00 GMT |
Comment 4 | Kronos | | 12-Feb-2003 14:08 GMT |
Comment 5 | Alex Klauke | | 13-Feb-2003 20:11 GMT |
BoXiKoN for MorphOS : Comment 6 of 6 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Rob on 13-Feb-2003 23:53 GMT | In reply to Comment 5 (Alex Klauke): I thought this game would be seen in a more positive light than it had
been in previous times as soon as I saw the news item.
Don't worry though, Birdy shoot would have been a pile of crap too if
it had been demonstrated on Amiga DE a year ago.
Maybe If other Pegasos users follow Kronos' example then the
developers might be able to make some more interesting games for you
lot to play.
From acorns grow mighty oaks, that kind of thing. |
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