[Web] AmigaOS4.0 to support twenty languages | ANN.lu |
Posted on 06-Jul-2003 14:54 GMT by Mike Bouma | 111 comments View flat View list |
Within the Fleecy's 14th Q&A Session, default OS4 support for twenty languages have been confirmed. Support for more languages may be added.
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AmigaOS4.0 to support twenty languages : Comment 103 of 111 | ANN.lu |
Posted by anonymous on 07-Jul-2003 23:53 GMT | In reply to Comment 81 (gz): >However I have to beg to differ slightly because genesi and the team creating >mos is a single business entity unlike Hyperion and AI which are different >business entities alltogether.
Is it really? I beg to differ. Seems to me that there was an issue relative to the dubious procurement of an AOS source disk, the amalgamation of a few companies 'assets', then a string of what can be assumed to be tax/ legal related incorporations in multiple countries to form what is now known by twenty odd mouthpieces as Genesi. Check your facts. Genesi is far from a straight forward enterprise. For further interesting tidbits, check out the Air France debacle of a few months back, Viscorp etc ad nauseum. Bill Buck is a great patriot, God bless America. |
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