[Web] AmigaOS4.0 to support twenty languages | ANN.lu |
Posted on 06-Jul-2003 14:54 GMT by Mike Bouma | 111 comments View flat View list |
Within the Fleecy's 14th Q&A Session, default OS4 support for twenty languages have been confirmed. Support for more languages may be added.
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AmigaOS4.0 to support twenty languages : Comment 68 of 111 | ANN.lu |
Posted by DaveP on 07-Jul-2003 05:14 GMT | In reply to Comment 49 (Rob): @Rob
No no no! Proof by contradiction is no proof at all!
"One thing I find quite intriguing is that loads of people say Amiga
Inc is dead.
There has been no official news on the subject, no filing for
bankruptcy etc. Amiga Inc's site still gets updated with CAM, fleecy
still answers his questions on amigaworld. " ( and claims to be CTO in his emails and on the site )
This is not evidence, this is not proof!
"There has been nothing from developers such as Zeoneo, who have closer
ties with Amiga Inc, about their dismay that Ainc has gone bust and
can no longer supply the DE which most of their products rely on. "
Tsk, how dare you. This is not evidence, they are clearly in the pockets of the Washington state facists.
"I mean if they had really gone down the pan why would they be trying
to create some huge sharade to hide the truth."
Oh, they would dare anything, they are the puppet masters. They even keep Isreal and the PLO at odds with each other to keep the oil supplies under threat so the US military has a reason to be there!
" Why not just go through the normal procedures and make it public"
This would be automatic. It would go public, Rich Woods would become a millionaire overnight with certain AROS developers, MorphOS developers and the usual loonies paying to download a document that they hadn't dared hope for even in their wettest wet dreams.
", if they had no money
to acheive they goals and lost their financeer's backing, what would
be the point of trying to look buoyent. "
Its a SCAM! Thats all you need to know, its to keep all those CA members waiting for their t-shirts!
"1. Just who are the blind followers? "
Ones who can't get across the road without a labrador and a stick.
"2. Who is it they follow? "
Said labrador.
However what we do have here is a lot of people that otherwise pretend to be intelligent deliberately trying to wind things up by posting off topic flamebait and then acting dumb. Or they really are that pig ignorant and obnoxious and cannot handle anything that does not run parallel with what they want to believe is the truth.
Oh hang on, was that who you were asking your questions about?
What would be newsworthy is if they gave it a rest for a bit, but that is far too much to ask. |
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