[News] bplan on NBC Giga TV to show Pegasos and MorphOS | ANN.lu |
Posted on 06-Aug-2003 18:39 GMT by Martin "Senex" Heine | 35 comments View flat View list |
bplan GmbH would like to inform you about the upcoming event taking place on the 7th of August at 9.00 pm (GMT+1; 21.00 CEST) on NBC GIGA.
You can receive NBC Europe almost everywhere in Germany by cable. NBC Europe is transmitted via the Eutelsat Hotbird 5 network as well. The digital signal can be picked up by a digital receiver (DVB-S).
Orbital position: 13 degrees East (Eutelsat)
Frequency: 11,054 GHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Broadcast norm: MPEG-2/DVB
Symbolrate: 27500
Coderate: 5/6
We will explain our products Pegasos & MorphOS in detail and answer your questions in the live chat at 9.45 pm afterwards.
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bplan on NBC Giga TV to show Pegasos and MorphOS : Comment 18 of 35 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Olegil on 07-Aug-2003 12:12 GMT | In reply to Comment 8 (David Scheibler): I don't care who mentioned what to 3sat. 3sat claimed on their own webpage to have the AmigaOne running AmigaOS 4.0 when they were in fact going to show the Pegasos running MorphOS.
True or false?
I honestly don't believe it would have helped the Pegasos to go on the air as AmigaOne only to admit halfway during the show that it is in fact no such thing.
Am I wrong? |
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