[News] bplan on NBC Giga TV to show Pegasos and MorphOS | ANN.lu |
Posted on 06-Aug-2003 18:39 GMT by Martin "Senex" Heine | 35 comments View flat View list |
bplan GmbH would like to inform you about the upcoming event taking place on the 7th of August at 9.00 pm (GMT+1; 21.00 CEST) on NBC GIGA.
You can receive NBC Europe almost everywhere in Germany by cable. NBC Europe is transmitted via the Eutelsat Hotbird 5 network as well. The digital signal can be picked up by a digital receiver (DVB-S).
Orbital position: 13 degrees East (Eutelsat)
Frequency: 11,054 GHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Broadcast norm: MPEG-2/DVB
Symbolrate: 27500
Coderate: 5/6
We will explain our products Pegasos & MorphOS in detail and answer your questions in the live chat at 9.45 pm afterwards.
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bplan on NBC Giga TV to show Pegasos and MorphOS : Comment 19 of 35 | ANN.lu |
Posted by David Scheibler on 07-Aug-2003 12:28 GMT | In reply to Comment 18 (Olegil): As I said the reason why 3SAT cancelled the show had nothing to do with the
text 3SAT had on their website. |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
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