[Web] Amiga Inc. is in danger of insolvency and the Amiga brand again faces uncertainty. | ANN.lu |
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Amiga Inc. is in danger of insolvency and the Amiga brand again faces uncertainty. : Comment 11 of 120 | ANN.lu |
Posted by T_Bone on 24-Sep-2003 05:14 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (krize): > I dont see why amiga.org is anti amiga-inc
It's not. That editorial is completely accurate. You can be a fan of something even though you acknowledge the trouble they're in. That's just reality. Pretending the trouble isn't there, well, that's not reality.
Were all the people who bought the Deathbed Vigil, and who got mad at Commodore anti-Amiga too? I highly doubt it. Isn't the reason they were mad was that they love the Amiga and hated the people and the actions that led to it's demise?
Amiga Inc is not in a good way right now, and to blame it on a website is just stupid. |
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