[News] OpenBeos Bootloader for Pegasos (and for any other Openfirmware Platform) is almost ready! | ANN.lu |
Posted on 25-Sep-2003 14:50 GMT by Raffaele | 25 comments View flat View list |
Some news passed unnoticed: The OpenBeos bootloader for any Openfirmware computer PPC based, will be ready for the middle of October. You can read about it at: www.iscomputeron.com. Well, it is just in time for the launch of Pegasos II. Will we see Pegasos II with OpenBeos almost pretty soon?
List of all comments to this articleSorted by date, most recent at bottom |
Comment 1 | T_Bone | | 25-Sep-2003 13:02 GMT |
Comment 2 | bbrv | Registered user | 25-Sep-2003 13:13 GMT |
Comment 3 | Emeric SH | | 25-Sep-2003 13:14 GMT |
Comment 4 | JoannaK | | 25-Sep-2003 13:14 GMT |
Comment 5 | hooligan/dcs | Registered user | 25-Sep-2003 13:17 GMT |
Comment 6 | Andrea Maniero | | 25-Sep-2003 13:20 GMT |
Comment 7 | Megol | | 25-Sep-2003 13:40 GMT |
Comment 8 | Anonymous | | 25-Sep-2003 14:14 GMT |
Comment 9 | Anonymous | | 25-Sep-2003 14:18 GMT |
Comment 10 | Martin Blom | | 25-Sep-2003 14:19 GMT |
Comment 11 | minator | | 25-Sep-2003 15:04 GMT |
Comment 12 | takemehomegrandma | Registered user | 25-Sep-2003 15:07 GMT |
OpenBeos Bootloader for Pegasos (and for any other Openfirmware Platform) is almost ready! : Comment 13 of 25 | ANN.lu |
Posted by dammy on 25-Sep-2003 15:15 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (Anonymous): > soon nor that AROS will become a state of true usability due to slow
> development.
It's hard to say when AROS will be booting as a minimal distrobution level. Michal has been banging away at it but he's currently seperated (by distance) from his Peg so things had to take a bit of a break. After speaking to him earlier today, I still have hopes of seeing it out in 03. Michal is working on his advanced degree so that takes a huge amount of his time up. He is a truely an amazing person.
Dammy |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
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