[News] OpenBeos Bootloader for Pegasos (and for any other Openfirmware Platform) is almost ready! | ANN.lu |
Posted on 25-Sep-2003 14:50 GMT by Raffaele | 25 comments View flat View list |
Some news passed unnoticed: The OpenBeos bootloader for any Openfirmware computer PPC based, will be ready for the middle of October. You can read about it at: www.iscomputeron.com. Well, it is just in time for the launch of Pegasos II. Will we see Pegasos II with OpenBeos almost pretty soon?
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OpenBeos Bootloader for Pegasos (and for any other Openfirmware Platform) is almost ready! : Comment 18 of 25 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Sep-2003 15:56 GMT | In reply to Comment 11 (minator): "Must have been a while ago as it's nearly reached stable now."
Exactly. It's "nearly" stable. What's the use of a "nearly" stable filesystem? None whatsoever. The developers discovered that they have some serious and hard to fix problems, so they gave up and said "we'll come back to it later".
Go look at the OBFS discussion threads. They have FS corruption, they can't figure out what causes it, and when a user admits to having real data on his OBFS partition they laugh at him because that's a really _stupid_ thing to do. |
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