[Web] Genesi: "Gladiateur" website online | ANN.lu |
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 08:22 GMT by Martin 'Senex' Heine | 24 comments View flat View list |
The website for Genesi's planned computer game "Gladiateur" is online now at http://Gladiateur.PegasosPPC.com.
Gladiateur - The game takes its inspiration from the spectacular stage production by Elie Chouraqui and Maxime Le Forestier, which debuts in Paris in 2004. The game allows you to take the role of Spartacus the Thracian, and lead the slaves in their revolt against the powers of Rome. Can you lead Spartacus and his army of slaves to success, or will the might of Rome crush their dreams of freedom?
Read more on the official Gladiateur website.
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Genesi: "Gladiateur" website online : Comment 24 of 24 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Andrew Korn on 25-Oct-2003 08:07 GMT | In reply to Comment 22 (fleecy moss): I'm very impressed by what I've seen of the TV show... R:TW is definately next on my list of games to buy, but there's always a problem with any game that attempts "true" simulation - inevitably there are programmed assumptions that can be disputed. This can be really obvious in a game like Sim City which wears its sociological assumptions on its sleeve, but I can't help wondering whether something that models such a complex system as a battlefield with 10k units on it isn't going to keep those assumptions too hidden. R:TW certainly gives a good illusion that you're managing a comprehensive simulation of a battle, but will it really model the effect of the noise of a chariot charge in restricting the ability of commanders to issue orders to their troops, for example?
Often, for gameplay's sake, this sort of thing works better when it's well abstracted. Too much realism can fool the player into playing by their own assumptions when they aren't the same as those of the designers. In a number-balancing simulation such as a football management game this isn't a problem because you're dealing with a set of variables limited enough for you to keep track of, but there are only 11 combatants on each side in football. ;-)
One of the most interesting things about the TV show is just how bad most of the competitors are. The other interesting thing is the tendency people have to assume Roman troops are nigh unbeatable. Of course this actually has some historical precident and that attitude did the Romans no end of good in many of the actual battles represented! |
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