[Rant] ...another interesting article | ANN.lu |
Posted on 30-Nov-2003 18:32 GMT by bbrv | 56 comments View flat View list |
Here is a New York Times Magazine article about Apple, the iPod, marketing, product development and management.
We contend that this Community can produce a Super TiVo-like device that integrates the network into the use of the content itself. The Pegasos is building block #1 to any competent computing environment and the necessary tool required by the developer support enlisted to customize the platform for consumer use. A Pegasos computer is a desktop machine. A Pegasos computer enclosed in a fan-less VCR-like size case becomes a consumer product: a black box. The Pegasos black box operates equally well with a television screen or a computer monitor. The Pegasos black box could come with its own file sharing and downloading programs -- music, movies, video games – a preference is selected, a source found, the entertainment begins. The technology would be invisible to the entertainment experience. The consumer manages the experience through an easily understood user interface with a remote control or through a web browser and a keyboard for more sophisticated users. As the hub of the Home Entertainment Center high fidelity sound/audio can now be introduced through the 24/7 broadband Internet connection to bring existing home stereo equipment back into use. Here the Pegasos black box can be positioned to be a consumer product that would do to a TV set what MP3 did to music – any show any time.
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...another interesting article : Comment 30 of 56 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Amon_Re on 30-Nov-2003 22:26 GMT | In reply to Comment 27 (bbrv): The CPU in the end isn't that important, is how the machine fits together as a whole.
You don't need a killer CPU for this, if the rest of the hardware takes care of the heavy numbercrunching.
The biggest advantage the PPC has in these things is probably the low heat disipation.
Cheers |
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