[Rant] ...another interesting article | ANN.lu |
Posted on 30-Nov-2003 18:32 GMT by bbrv | 56 comments View flat View list |
Here is a New York Times Magazine article about Apple, the iPod, marketing, product development and management.
We contend that this Community can produce a Super TiVo-like device that integrates the network into the use of the content itself. The Pegasos is building block #1 to any competent computing environment and the necessary tool required by the developer support enlisted to customize the platform for consumer use. A Pegasos computer is a desktop machine. A Pegasos computer enclosed in a fan-less VCR-like size case becomes a consumer product: a black box. The Pegasos black box operates equally well with a television screen or a computer monitor. The Pegasos black box could come with its own file sharing and downloading programs -- music, movies, video games – a preference is selected, a source found, the entertainment begins. The technology would be invisible to the entertainment experience. The consumer manages the experience through an easily understood user interface with a remote control or through a web browser and a keyboard for more sophisticated users. As the hub of the Home Entertainment Center high fidelity sound/audio can now be introduced through the 24/7 broadband Internet connection to bring existing home stereo equipment back into use. Here the Pegasos black box can be positioned to be a consumer product that would do to a TV set what MP3 did to music – any show any time.
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...another interesting article : Comment 51 of 56 | ANN.lu |
Posted by kalmar on 01-Dec-2003 14:37 GMT | Good IPod article.
On the subject of "tivo-like" devices, I noticed an advert at the weekend, it's a Sony device which I think does most of the above, the form factor is an LCD TV with a little detachable remote keyboard. It's probably PC based (given it was VAIO branded) but maybe not. |
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