[News] New Years greetings from Hyperion | ANN.lu |
Posted on 25-Dec-2003 22:34 GMT by Anonymous | 36 comments View flat View list |
From http://www.amiga.com/news/
Hyperion Entertainment and the OS 4.0 development team are pleased to announce that OS4 development has now sufficiently advanced for a comprehensive Developer Pre-release of Amiga OS 4.0 to be distributed to all current AmigaOne owners shortly after the New Year.
In view of the fact that quite a few of you reminded us that you do not have broadband internet access, the original idea to offer an initial version of OS 4.0 for download was abandoned in favor of an "easy to install", self-contained distribution on CD.
Whilst this will obviously entail more cost to Hyperion and require more time for duplication and distribution, the upside is that we will be able to provide developers with everything they need to start developing for OS 4.0.
The developer material will include sample source-code, an initial version of the AmigaOS 4.0 SDK as well as native OS 4.0 compilers (GCC 2.95.3, GCC 3.4 and VBCC) and cross-compilers for various platforms (Linux x86/PCC, Mac OS X etc.).
The Developer Pre-release will require an upgrade of the AmigaOne firmware which was bumped from U-Boot 0.1.1 to U-Boot 1.0 and which is currently undergoing final testing.
Further details will be announced shortly.
Hyperion Entertainment and the OS 4 development team would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support and patience.
The fact that you are still here, 10 years after the demise of Commodore, has been a tremendous encouragement to us during these 2 years of laborious development.
Make no mistake: your patience will finally be rewarded with the fastest and most powerful incarnation of AmigaOS ever.
Merry X-mas and a prosperous 2004 to all of you!
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