[Web] SWAUG TUTORIAL: Overclocking the BlizzardPPC | ANN.lu |
Posted on 19-Apr-2004 20:57 GMT by SWAUG SUPPORT | 19 comments View flat View list |
It's been a while, but here is another SWAUG.org.uk Support Tutorial.
Brian Hoskins of SWAUG has produced a tutorial on overclocking the BlizzardPPC.
If you have soldering skills and wanted to push your Amiga, have a look at this!
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SWAUG TUTORIAL: Overclocking the BlizzardPPC : Comment 11 of 19 | ANN.lu |
Posted by delshay on 20-Apr-2004 21:29 GMT | BEWARE ON OVERCLOCKING!
i am only stating here what i found out about overclock my machine..
if you have 128MB simms with a regulater in the middle be careful as mine blew up after about 7 hours..lost three 128MB simms by overclocking to high for the chip..
also you **may** need my power after overclocking..this is not to say you need a new power supply..just double the thickness of the wire..( ie ) 5v..extra power feed is also good..get it from EYETECH..
if you have the new type 128MB simms ( like me ) no regulater your ok.. |
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