[News] U.S. Senate's High Tech Task Force Visit ODW Assembly | ANN.lu |
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U.S. Senate's High Tech Task Force Visit ODW Assembly : Comment 24 of 27 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 28-Aug-2004 06:50 GMT | In reply to Comment 22 (Joe "Floid" Kanowitz): "it'd be just as easy to do with OpenBSD as anything else (maybe 'easier,' if that development would've caught and squashed any lingering bugs)"
I refrain from commenting on your tech/platform comparisons, since (as I said in other posts) I don't feel that they are too relevant in this case. I just wanted to say that I feel it's still very possible for Genesi to use OpenBSD. AFAIK, OpenBSD already runs on the Pegasos hardware, and it's an open source project so I don't see why it would be impossible to put someone other than these "loud officials" on the job? It should definitely be doable, even if it isn't officially supported, if Genesi would want to. Or why not spin off a "PegasosBSD" from it? That one would be "officially supported" enough, don't you think? ;-) |
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