[News] Rolling Dice physics simulation library for OS4 | ANN.lu |
Posted on 23-Sep-2004 07:56 GMT by Peter Gordon | 29 comments View flat View list |
Massimiliano Tretene, of Soft3 has announced "Rolling Dice", a new physics simulation library for AmigaOS4. This will aid in the creation of new, original 3D games for OS4, along with many other fields where physics simulation is useful.
With this library it's possible to simulate:
- impulsive and contact forces between 3D rigid bodies
- collision detection between 3D rigid bodies and between terrain and 3D rigid bodies
- collision response
- thrust force
- gravity
- air drag force
For more information please visit the following link: Rolling Dice Library.
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Rolling Dice physics simulation library for OS4 : Comment 23 of 29 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Agima on 24-Sep-2004 12:12 GMT | In reply to Comment 19 (Ronald St-Maurice): >>>Did you ever think that Amigans should have only 1 classic amiga compatible OS running on newer PowerPC chips? :D
Yeah that would be great. I think AROS could soon be a great system. It's starting to look like MorphOS may have a future as well if they can manage to get a way from Bill Buck. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Bill Buck is the meconium stain on the reputation of MorphOS" |
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