[Files] New AmigaOne firmware available | ANN.lu |
Posted on 06-Oct-2004 12:44 GMT by Rik Sweeney | 226 comments View flat View list |
A news item on AmigaWorld.net states that Hyperion has released the update of U-Boot to 1.1.1
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New AmigaOne firmware available : Comment 146 of 226 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Bernie Meyer on 08-Oct-2004 11:28 GMT | In reply to Comment 131 (Harald Frank): Fuck off, Harald!(No, we never had a contract. No, the contract with H&P was terminated in April 2002. But come Sunday, even denying that the termination ever took place, as you and your buddies like to do, won't make one iota of difference, because come Sunday, it's over, finito, arrividerci baby, hasta la vista, no more, tonto, kiss my shiny metal ass --- you get the drift. Come Sunday, I can do whatever I bloody well like, and nobody can so much as point at a piece of paper saying "Nope, we have a contract", because come Sunday, there won't be a piece of paper anymore. Not a single piece).Wow, that felt good. Let me say that again, this time with feeling: "FUCK OFF, HARALD!". |
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