[Unmoderated] WrongPlanet is at it again! | ANN.lu |
Posted on 15-Oct-2004 02:20 GMT by WP | 20 comments View flat View list |
We at WrongPlanet have done it again! We sent one of our reporters out to meet up with famous German psychologist Eliza Totmacher to have her make an indepth psychological research of a few of the most famous "community celebreties". Here findings, after a lengthy and complex research are very interesting. Do not miss out on this and be quick to check out the article!
Forces are moving behind the scenes to have the article removed! A cease and desist letter has just arrived on our office desks and our team of lawyers adviced us to not say more about this issue for now. This may be your only chance to read what Mrs Totmacher found out! While you're at it check out our main site for a lot more Earth shattering news on the outer frontiers of amiga space!
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WrongPlanet is at it again! : Comment 17 of 20 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 15-Oct-2004 18:17 GMT | In reply to Comment 15 (Gregg): a) I'm not hiding behind a curtain because I don't use any proxies or anonimyzers.
b) I'm making sure that that no-one knows my name because there are always mentally instable retarded lesser beings with an inferiority complex and a serious social problem who like to fight an immature war on internet, by writing article and then call it satire.
Those kiddies don't even know the meaning of satire.
The closest comparison are those DDOS kiddies, these retards also suffer from an inferiority complex and do everithing to get some attention.
Get a life get a blowjob. |
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