[Web] Dancing Banana at Petunia website | ANN.lu |
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Dancing Banana at Petunia website : Comment 21 of 53 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Raffaele on 16-Oct-2004 10:00 GMT | In reply to Comment 20 (Ase): Mr. Ase wrote:
>Is MorphOS port planned?
Are you joking?
They have A-Box integrated into the Morphos OS.
Why do they need for an emulator which works as standalone program?
However any solution chosen, '040 emulator embedded into the OS or as standalone
program has its merits and its imperfections.
A-Box into MOS being part of the OS it is well integrated and more preformant.
BUT you have to release another MOS version to upgrade it.
Petunia as standalone program is not integrated into the OS and it should have some imperfections in dialoguing with the OS.
BUT you could upgrade it easily and install new version whenever you want to. |
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