[News] Directory Opus Magellan Worldwide Announcement | ANN.lu |
Posted on 20-Oct-2004 09:43 GMT by ece (Edited on 2004-10-20 12:30:55 GMT by Christian Kemp) | 40 comments View flat View list |
Gothenburg, Sweden, October 20th, 2004. Guru Meditation and GPSoftware are proud to announce that they have reached agreement on the acquisition of the exclusive, worldwide rights to Directory Opus Magellan for the Amiga platform from GPSoftware. This legendary file manager that started on the Amiga will finally be coming back in a new version in 2005! source: Amigaworld.net
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Directory Opus Magellan Worldwide Announcement : Comment 24 of 40 | ANN.lu |
Posted by glokraw on 20-Oct-2004 17:05 GMT | In reply to Comment 1 (Peter Gordon): Yet another chance for the blue and red fleas to cease their
mortal combat, and bite the fat wintel hound on which they ride,
infecting it with rumours of two more fast and efficient PPC
operating systems/platforms, whose loyal followers promote the
good things they hold in common in public, while saving the debates
for the pub sessions, irc marathons, and trade shows. If
Formula One racing teams can manage multiple cars and drivers, the
PPC advocateS (plural) should energize with critical mass as the goal.
That windows exploder should be handily bested by both Magellan/OS4
and Ambient/Morph-1.5 should be a given, and cause for cheers in
both camps. |
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