[News] New game for Amiga released | ANN.lu |
Posted on 21-Oct-2004 22:56 GMT by Amipuzas | 6 comments View flat View list |
I'm sure what you knows this game.It's one of the more popular board games in Spain, is the Game of the "Oca". (The goose). It's played in a board formed by a spiral composed of 63 numbered squares. Each square has a drawing. The game pieces of each player will be advancing according to the numeration obtained by the dice they are throwing in turn. Depending on the square where it goes every time, it will advance, go back or remain some play without to move. The winner is the player who arrives first at square 63. If points exceed to it he will have to go back them from this square. Nice graphics, sounds and more. Download here
List of all comments to this articleSorted by date, most recent at bottom |
Comment 1 | corwin | | 22-Oct-2004 00:16 GMT |
Comment 2 | amipuzas | | 22-Oct-2004 00:35 GMT |
Comment 3 | Dr. Steven Sawtooth | | 22-Oct-2004 16:48 GMT |
Comment 4 | amipuzas | | 22-Oct-2004 18:49 GMT |
New game for Amiga released : Comment 5 of 6 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 23-Oct-2004 08:49 GMT | Hmm, you mean Snakes and Ladders, so why not just say so. |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
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