[News] February 23, 2000 AmigaZone Fleecy Chat Transcript now online | ANN.lu |
Posted on 28-Feb-2000 20:32 GMT by Christian Kemp | 3 comments View flat View list |
H.R. Laser writes:
The second monthly live chat with Fleecy Moss, VP of Amiga Corp., is now online for reading at AmigaZone. [..] These
transcripts will be posted as plain text, which can be read with
literally any web browser on any computer platform. Here's also the direct link (thanks, John).
February 23, 2000 AmigaZone Fleecy Chat Transcript now online : Comment 1 of 3 | ANN.lu |
Posted by MashMan on 28-Feb-2000 23:00 GMT | How can so much be said, yet bnot one single question aksed? |
February 23, 2000 AmigaZone Fleecy Chat Transcript now online : Comment 2 of 3 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Paul on 29-Feb-2000 23:00 GMT | In reply to Comment 1 (MashMan): Being in the virtual presence of the great Fleecy probably gave the people a
little bit of stage fright.
It would be kind of nice if others who have questions (but are not paid members
of AmigaZone) could submit their questions somewhere, and have them asked by
one who has access to these monthly chats with Mr. Moss. |
February 23, 2000 AmigaZone Fleecy Chat Transcript now online : Comment 3 of 3 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Harv on 29-Feb-2000 23:00 GMT | In reply to Comment 1 (MashMan): "Not one single question asked"?? Uhh.. ::rubbing eyes:: we must
be reading different transcripts. I saw a lot of questions being
Harv |
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