[News] (Inofficial) BoXer Mailing List | ANN.lu |
Posted on 04-Apr-2000 20:29 GMT by Christian Kemp | |
Darron Cox announces that there is now a BoXer Mailing List available. Note that this is an inofficial effort. Read more below.
The BoXer mailing list is now up and running. All who are interested in the BoXer Motherboard and the forthcoming systems from AntiGravity are welcome to join. This is yet again organised via the onelist mail server. You can either subscribe via www.onelist.com or simply post an mail to BoXer-Amiga-subscribe@onelist.com with the subject heading Subscribe.
The BoXer Support Site is located at http://CoxD.tripod.com
A direct subscription logo will be added to the site in the coming days!
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