[News] Rumor Mill in defense of Moo Bunny | ANN.lu |
Posted on 21-Jul-2000 15:11 GMT by GeorgeB | 3 comments View flat View list |
There's a new Rumor Mill (written before Bill's Moo Bunny response) talking about Memory Protection, Royalties and division in the Amiga Community.
Rumor Mill in defense of Moo Bunny : Comment 1 of 3 | ANN.lu |
Posted by szutoman on 20-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT | Old news. Bill has addressed this article and has a response to it.. A good read. Go to the Amiga sight and you will find it. |
Rumor Mill in defense of Moo Bunny : Comment 2 of 3 | ANN.lu |
Rumor Mill in defense of Moo Bunny : Comment 3 of 3 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Rudy Sanchez on 21-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT | I particularly liked this Squid article, and not necessarily because I wish to defend the points brought up in the article. I just liked the fact that MOO BUNNY folks are not net slaves, who follow without question every word of a particular website or company. Hurray! Group mind (Borg) does not play well with me at all. I definitely believe that we should read contracts and question them. Any serious business or responsible citizen should! Keep questioning everything, and accept nothing without question.:) The answers will come. Best wishes, Rudy. |
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