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[News] New AntiGravity websiteANN.lu
Posted on 27-Jul-2000 10:31 GMT by Teemu I. Yliselä19 comments
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As many will have already noticed, AntiGravity have put up a new website which includes BoXeR info, the history of AntiGravity and a story of their attempted purchase of Amiga from Gateway last autumn. They also have news that they've hired the ex-Gateway-Amiga hardware engineer Joe Torre to the BoXeR development team. I guess they aren't that short on money after all...

New AntiGravity website : Comment 1 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Adam Szymczak on 26-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
What a great story by Anti Gravity in regards to their "bid" for the Amiga. It is interesting how the piece puts Anti Gravity in such a positive light. They found the money. They had the idea (sounds the same as the current Amiga plan). They made the offer. They though of suing but decided to be "partners". Please. There are at least two sides to every story.
I find it doutbful that Gateway would agree to a sale of Amiga over the phone. Surely Gateway has legal representation? The possible law suit was a moot point. Who has the deeper pockets to fund a law suit? Gateway or Anti Gravity? And I do find it odd that a company that can put together $20 million in financing cannot afford to pay Christian $500. Bastards.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 2 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by grooves on 26-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
Who needs a Classic-BoXeR motherboard? I do not. I am wating for a NextGeneration AmigaONE computer.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 3 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Don Cox on 26-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (grooves):
You may not want a Classic-compatible, but quite a lot of people do,
especially those who have aging A3000s and A4000s.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 4 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Teemu I. Yliselä on 26-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (grooves):
The BoXeR isn't just an Amiga motherboard. The onboard programmable logic makes it a very flexible design, and it might very well find its main uses outside the Amiga community. Besides which, equipped with a PPC, the BoXeR should happily run the new Amiga OS.
It's just a shame its taken so long to get the motherboard out (and one might add that it's a shame its owned by AG now, but I'll leave it out - damn, too late :).
New AntiGravity website : Comment 5 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by anonymous on 26-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
AntiGravity owes you 500 $ for 40 days of BANNER ADVERTS ? Isn't that a lot ?
New AntiGravity website : Comment 6 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Kay Are Ulvestad on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (anonymous):
"AntiGravity owes you 500 $ for 40 days of BANNER ADVERTS ? Isn't that a lot ?"
12,5 $ a day. That is a lot, but does it matter? AG should pay their debts.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 7 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Nian on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
If this Boxer they plan to produce is reasonably compatible software/hardware wise then its a winner. Oh to have a PPC amiga with 24bit GFX thats able to output amiga screens.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 8 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by DarkHawke on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Nian):
Yah, there's the rub: yet again we've got more new specs, website info and promises of what's to come. The nice part is that there's actually a put-up-or-shut-up point in the next couple days: if Mr. Torre don't show up in San Diego with at least a partially working Boxer, then we'll know how real all this new hype is. From what I've heard, they're fairly close to getting the last "t"s crossed and "i"s dotted on the financing that'll allow them to start serious production. This will also be the point at which I'll get my refund, so I'm looking forward to that happy day (whenever the frell it comes!). This said, I like the new specs and that bit of me that remains staunchly Amigan suggests that I work out a new deal and wait for this newest iteration of the Boxer to materialize. Then I slap that bit of me around with the reality of the near 15 month lapse between paying up for the Boxer pre-order and today's date, and that bit of me sanes right up.
Staying pure Amiga is a great ideal, but impractical for me. Getting one of them blacksexycool I've Been Misled (IBM) jobs is still a better way to go, and by all reports, I'll STILL get to run the NEW AmigaOE in fine style. Wish the Boxer actually had worked out for me, and I do hope it's of use to some of y'all out there. Whenever it comes out.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 9 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Christian Kemp on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (anonymous):
> AntiGravity owes you 500 $ for 40 days of BANNER ADVERTS ? Isn't that a lot ?
I think not. There aren't many Amiga news sites around that are visited as
much as ANN is (about three or four others), and therefore I'm considering
this as a prime investment if you want to reach Amiga users who are online.
Besides, they knew in advance approximatively how many impressions I was
delivering, and they didn't complain when I invoiced them after the end of
the first month (10 days). No, they let another months slip by and only
then complained that I was asking too much, despite agreeing to all my terms
in the beginning.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 10 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by xdelusion on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
Hmm I wonder what there BIG plan was to port Amiga OS to other
platforms? Also I feel, judging by there bad history with the Boxer
never coming out and what not, that if they would have gotten ownership
to Amiga, that they would probably be another one of those companies who
talk a lot of shit, but never deliver.
On the other hand, the present owners have came a long ways. I am impressed.
As for the Boxer, I may buy one some day, would be nice to have a suped
up Amiga, but then again sad, cause there still isn't the software supportfort
for it that I desire. Not practical at all in my book, just phun.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 11 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
There is no even a homepage for it... It could easily be just a new hoax.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 12 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 11 (Anonymous):
Oops, how this one appeared here? Just neglect it!
New AntiGravity website : Comment 13 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Frederik on 27-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
The Boxer just gets better and better.
I just hope it will be finished soon.
And as mentioned above, the boxer with PPC can run then new amiga OE :-)
New AntiGravity website : Comment 14 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Mark Olsen on 28-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 13 (Frederik):
No it can not. Only RedHat 6.1 i386 can run it.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 15 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by ACGregory on 28-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Christian Kemp):
Is there any legal recourse in your country.? I would assume you
are based in Luxembourg. But perhaps you could get some type of
judgement against Anti-Gravity, and if any of their products get
into Luxembourg the authorities may allow you seize property worth
$500 to satisfy the judgment...
That's sort of the way it runs in the USA, but it may take more
Even if Luxembourg is a small market, Anti-Gravity will have to
have some distributors there....
Good luck. May justice prevail.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 16 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Carl Mohlin on 28-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 14 (Mark Olsen):
Run the SDK yes, not the forthcoming AmigaOE(or what it will be named)
New AntiGravity website : Comment 17 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Mike Pearson on 30-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (Carl Mohlin):
Nice story, seems to fill in some of the old blanks in ancient history. However, I hope Joe Torre can teach them some common business sense and courtesy to overcome their serious PR problems. I bought an expensive Hydra card and Siamese 2.5 and they gave NO help, were rude, and wanted $80 an hour for technical help over the phone. Turns out their 1 page manual was wrong, and they'd sent the wrong software. (The right one was free on aminet.) This I learned from the amiga internet community.
New AntiGravity website : Comment 18 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Jamie Wilson on 31-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
Like many others I'm sure, I'd love to buy a BoXeR - if this was 1998. Boxer would have sold very well I feel but now it is too late. They seem to have missed the boat for huge sales due to bad luck, bad business or whatever. I'm sure the finished product will be a nice board but an *expensive* nice board.
I was very excited when I first heard about the boxer board. Now though, I will more than likely buy an AmigaONE and NOT BoXeR. Even if AmiONE runs on horrible x86 at least it will have a decent OS (OE?).
New AntiGravity website : Comment 19 of 19ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 31-Jul-2000 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 18 (Jamie Wilson):
>[...] buy an AmigaONE and NOT BoXeR. Even if AmiONE runs on horrible x86 at least it will have a decent OS (OE?).
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