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[News] Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0ANN.lu
Posted on 20-Mar-2001 05:54 GMT by Christian Kemp12 comments
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Paul Nolan wrote: Paul Nolan Software Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of the Photogenics eStore, http://photogenics.beyond.com, and the official launch of Photogenics 5.0 for the Amiga, and for the first time, Linux and Windows. Photogenics 5.0 is now available for immediate purchase and download via Beyond.com's electronic software delivery technology.

Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 using Beyond.com's eStore technology

San Diego, CA.-March 20, 2001- Paul Nolan Software Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of the Photogenics eStore, http://photogenics.beyond.com, and the official launch of Photogenics 5.0 for the Amiga, and for the first time, Linux and Windows. Photogenics 5.0 is now available for immediate purchase and download via Beyond.com's electronic software delivery technology.

"Our top priority is to provide our customers with an outstanding online purchasing experience, which means making it easier for them to find, buy and receive our products," said Paul Nolan, CEO of Paul Nolan Software. "Beyond.com's expertise in e-commerce, merchandising, marketing, and customer service made them the right choice to build and manage our online store."

For those unfamiliar with the product, Photogenics is an exciting new graphics package, delivering unprecedented levels of creativity, freedom, and flexibility. For a full list of features, please visit the links below.

For existing users of Photogenics 4.x, a free upgrade to the Amiga version of 5.0 is available for download. Customers wishing to cross-grade from the Amiga version of Photogenics to the Linux or Windows version may do so at a discounted price for a limited time by following the links below:

Amiga to Windows cross-grade:

Amiga to Linux cross-grade

Additional Links:

Photogenics eStore: http://photogenics.beyond.com
Paul Nolan Software Inc.: http://www.PaulNolan.com
Beyond.com: http://www.beyond.com

Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 1 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Daniel Allsopp on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
Photogenics is an amazing piece of software which, in my opinion of course, is only let down by the horrible non-standard GUI is uses on both Amiga and PC versions (haven't tried Linux yet). Why use your own interface (which seems to cause most crashes on Amiga) when you've got perfectly suitable standard interfaces on both machines (MUI/ReAction on Amiga)?
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 2 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (Daniel Allsopp):
I guess Pauld did the same choices as Newtek did for Lightwave:
Using your own inteface increase a lot the software portability. If you use standard OS interface you will face the different GUI approach. Some features will be in some, some not, some will act different ...
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 3 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by nOw2 on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
"electronic software delivery technology"
Amazing what they can do these days, eh?
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 4 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Dave on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
lol - Now if only we had a cross platform system.... Hmmm...
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 5 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Twice-A-Day on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (Daniel Allsopp):
Guess what? Paul Nolan is also the guy that worked/is working(?) on the new AmigaDE GUI.
I actually think that Paul is a very skilled coder and don't mind Photogenics' GUI. Besides the GUI of that SW is the secret weapon of it: portability.
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 6 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Daniel Allsopp on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (Twice-A-Day):
Guess what? I don't give a sh*t about the Amiga DE, Amiga Inc., their partners and there "proposed" products are of no interest to me what so ever.
So...could you please point out where in my original post I had said that Paul wasn't a skilled programmer. I'd say it's pretty damned obvious he is, releasing his software on three different platforms, and coming up with the application in the first place.
That's what I hate about all of the morrons that post replies to some of the topics on ANN and totally spin off in the opposite direction, sometimes I think, just to start arguing.
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 7 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Martin Tilsted on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
Now, if he could just make a port for QNX I would be happy :-}
Martin Tilsted
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 8 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Johan Rönnblom on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Martin Tilsted):
..and/or MorphOS.. :)
Btw, I wonder when there will be a demo.. I was tempted to purchase it
but I want to test the stability first.
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 9 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by John McKenzie on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
I just bought Photogenics and it was having problems. Wrote Paul, and as always, he was very helpfull and polite. He sent me a copy of version 5.0 without hassa, or accusataions or telling me the hardware was at fault, etc, etc. He sent me v.5 and I got it working.
Now I have had it for a week and have been learning and fooling around with it and must say it is _excellent_. Highly recommend.
One thing that stood out is the very clever GUI design in it. I realise that consistancy is a hallmark of good GUI design and it is different than the OS, but I feel the Photogenics GUI is better.
Photogenics 5.0: Very highly recommended.
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 10 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by anonymous on 19-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (Daniel Allsopp):
Are you sure PaulN is still a contractor for Amiga? I'm not making any accusations or
assumptions, I just haven't heard his status with the company, and I see no mention
of AmigaDE or the new AmigaINC. on Paul's site.
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 11 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Graham on 20-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (Johan Rönnblom):
There is a demo you can download from the Photogenics site. I have played around with the Windows demo, and it is pretty good. Also had a couple of email conversations with Paul Nolan, and he seems to be a pretty good guy, willing to listen to your ideas and bug reports and actually do something with them!
Paul Nolan Software Launches Online Store for Photogenics 5.0 : Comment 12 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Johan Rönnblom on 20-Mar-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 11 (Graham):
I know there's a *windows* demo, but as far as I know there's no Amiga
demo that is even fairly recent. And since the main issue that I want
to test is stability, a windows demo is unfortunately worse than
useless. :/
Well.. I'm not complaining, I'll just wait some, but if there was a
demo it's quite likely I would already have bought it.
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