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[Files] WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available.ANN.lu
Posted on 21-May-2001 18:25 GMT by Christian Kemp18 comments
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pixie wrote: The new release of WinUAE which can now take full use of JIT is finally out. More informations at WinUAE Home Page.
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 1 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 21-May-2001 22:00 GMT
but it's chock full o bugs
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 2 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Harald on 21-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (Anonymous):
At least there are now less bugs than in the first release, for example the annoying Shift key bug has been erased. Now if the developers would kill the mouse trails bug I would be happy forever :-) This thing rocks on my Duron 900.
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 3 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Ganja on 21-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (Harald):
How well does it perform, say, when running demos with AGA emulation or playing games with full stereo sounds on? Any chance of running the latest AGA games/demos?
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 4 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Pixie on 21-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (Harald):
The mouse trail is a very interesting issue on this release... sometimes it happens sometimes don't, the easy way to make it vanish, is to open a program, but then again, when you open another sometimes it come back again!:/
As for the rest, I find it stable enough with 'well behaved' programs.
What is amazing is it's speed!! Almost on pair with windoze, if not surpassing as far as we talk about Operating System behavior, and it runs on top of it!!!
If this are the foundations of Amiga Inc. emulation being used on the new DE, after all Brian King had at sometime worked on it for Amiga (don't know if he still is), we have assured a good emulation at fast speeds on the future system!!
Pixie, writting from a paradise called Portugal! (with the sunglasses on!;)
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 5 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 21-May-2001 22:00 GMT
Why does it take 5 times as long to start/boot up than WinUAE 0.8.14 R3? And what difference does the memory slider in the JIT section make? I couldn't tell any...
I don't mean to be negative though, I love WinUAE and I think it's a fantastic piece of software :)
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 6 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
Well, I did some speed tests with this latest WinUAE on a PIII/450, and it is faster then an 060/50Mhz on many tests (but not all)!! The JIT addition makes the emulation just fly. If they get MMU support than I may kiss my real Amiga hardware goodbye...
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 7 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Harald on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Ganja):
Honestly, I have not tested the speed with AGA emulation very much. I tried just a few thingies with AGA like playing an Mpeg movie with Frogger (V 1.63, I believe), well, it worked and framerate is sufficient in Fullscreen mode. O' 'course it can't match with Picasso 96.
I like the great speed improvement when working with Pagestream 3.4 and ArtEffect 4.0 (whoooaaa!), especially when loading of really big images and using the various filters (compared with my "real" A1200/040, 40 MHz). Uh, I have tested some games, too :-) as there are: Foundation (Demo, got it from Aminet, I think), Nemac IV DC and Quakeplayer 0.96. Especially Quake runs very smoothly with a resolution of 640x480 and 16bit colors. Even 800x600 seems to be playable. What else can I say? All of these programs work, all of them experience a big gain of speed. The only prog which doesn't work is Shapeshifter (but that also happened under WinUAE 0.8.14R3). No great loss, since I have installed Basilisk II JIT for Win right now :-)
And finally I made some speed tests with SysSpeed 2.6, though I can't guarantee for the accuracy of the results of an emulated system. But if you are interested in raw numbers, here are some (numbers in brackets are from my A1200/040):
LhaCrunch: 0.38 (3.14)
LhaTest: 0.08 (0.36)
LhaDeCrunch: 0.11 (0.51)
In CPU/FPU tests there is a wide range for results for JIT.
MIPS: ~260-300 (28.9)
MFLOPS: ~350-400 (10.96)
Intuiton tests (WinUAE: 800 x 600) show a performance improvement of 1.27-3.27x conmpared with the module for an A4k equipped with a CV 64 board (res.: 640 x 512)
Once again, I don't know, how accurate these values are, but especially the gain of performance of ArtEffect is nice (if you have worked till now with 68040/40, AGA like me).
Seems to me the Amiga I always wanted is hidden in a Wintel machine (sob).
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 8 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Harald on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Pixie):
Yup, I am using the Workbench's "ResetWB" function to get rid of these nasty mouse trails. But as you already have said, sometimes it works, sometimes not :-/
And sorry for my last entry, it seems the cgi didn't like my linebreaks.
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 9 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Harald on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
It's 5:00 a.m., I have just finished a web project, which I have to present tomorrow, sorry, today, I am extremely tired and so I get funny fantasies about software companies creating high end software for PowerPC equipped Amigas and 68k conversions for UAE JIT users ;-)
Well, good night (good morning?),
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 10 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (Anonymous):
"...I may kiss my real Amiga hardware goodbye..."
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 11 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by m0ns00n on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (Anonymous):
I installed this new WinUAE too, on my PIII500mhz. Everything is FAST. Funny, it feels like I am on my Amiga 4000/060/50 here. Ah well. I will try out some apps and see what it can do. But already, I feel it is running smooth and faaaast. Writing from IBrowse/UAE now! :)
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 12 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Henrik Mikael Kristensen on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (Anonymous):
Well, it could be an attractive alternative to me, just to keep myself sane until I get an A1. My A4000's hardware is failing more and more nowadays, it's a bog standard machine, which I can't see the reason to upgrade. It's getting old and worn out.
Just give me some bsdsocket emulation and fix the worst bugs, and I may put away the A4000.
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 13 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Dave on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Harald):
> and so I get funny fantasies about software companies creating high end software for PowerPC equipped Amigas and
> 68k conversions for UAE JIT users ;-)
I know the smiley is there, but it would never happen. Can you imagine the amount of UAE users who would just rip it
off? If some Amiga zealot killed them all you'd have a pile high enough to reach the moon :) (Although zealots would
then be able to get the moon on a stick :)
Ignore me though, I'm just jealous because:
a) With a good spec PC it's faster than my 060/50
b) It won't run on the good spec PC I have access to (WinNT)
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 14 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by m0ns00n on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (Henrik Mikael Kristensen):
The BDSocket smulation is already in place. Didn't you see I was posting through UAE already? It works, there might only be some minor bugs. Trust me ;)
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 15 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by m0ns00n on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 14 (m0ns00n):
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 16 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Henrik Mikael Kristensen on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 14 (m0ns00n):
Either you are in good fortune, or you are using an older WinUAE. WinUAE 0.8.16 R2 crashes on my machine, when I try to do anything that tries to access bsdsocket functions.
The website also states that bsd functions aren't working yet in this release.
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 17 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by m0ns00n on 22-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (Henrik Mikael Kristensen):
I know what the webpage says, but I have been browsing the web with that thing all day now. And it rarely crashes, only when I try to "Reset Amiga", or play XM's on high rates with APlayer 222.
WinUAE 0.8.16 Release 2 is now available. : Comment 18 of 18ANN.lu
Posted by Richie on 23-May-2001 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (Henrik Mikael Kristensen):
BSDsocket runs on my toshiba p3-500mhz fine.
Its very fast, now loads pages with graphics on as
r14.3 did with graphics turned off.
r16.2 is amazing. Too bad iBrowse is out of development.
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