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[Files] Software NewsANN.lu
Posted on 16-Jul-2002 03:51 GMT by dcr85204 comments
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Mail.comForward v0.4, speex v0.5.0, muhstik v3.12.5, Anubis v3.2.3, abcm2ps v3.0.19, bnclient v0.1.


Software News : Comment 1 of 4ANN.lu
Posted by James Carroll on 16-Jul-2002 03:39 GMT
How about some descriptions for some of these programs? What do they do?
Software News : Comment 2 of 4ANN.lu
Posted by Mika Hanhijärvi on 16-Jul-2002 20:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (James Carroll):
Exactly. Atleast I want to know what those do before I download.
Software News : Comment 3 of 4ANN.lu
Posted by catohagen on 16-Jul-2002 20:41 GMT
ok, im bored....
http://us.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amiga/Mail.comForward-0.4.beta.lha :
I write this program because now Mail.com services avoid forward messages
for the free account owners. as I have many accounts, I had to decide
between two options... if pay for the premium service, or visit
continuously the mail.com website to see if have new mail...... but hey!
if I can do this program for continue receiving my messages with Yam and
avoid sufferings to me!... :-)
The Speex project aims to build an open-source patent-free voice codec.
Unlike other codecs like MP3 and Ogg Vorbis, Speex is specially designed
for compressing voice at low bit-rates for applications such as voice over
IP (VoIP). In some sense, it is meant to be complementary to the Ogg
Vorbis codec.
http://us.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amiga/muhstik-3.12.5.lha :
Muhstik is a powerful bot for IRC. It can connect proxys by anonymous proxys. Once online, they coordinate their actions to be the more efficient.
Today IRC servers prevent you from flooding, that is to say send more than 1 message per second. Supposing you are trying to bypass this limit; you must use more than one identity on your IRC server. But there is a quota by IP on global connection, which stops you unless if you can spoof, starting a connection with an IP different from yours.
And that's the first use of muhstik : bounce to IRC servers from open proxies, as you can do in mIRC for example with the option "Use Firewall". Clones are launched into the background and distributed on different servers.
There are 3 types of proxies: HTTP Proxies, SOCKS, and telnet gateways (such as Wingates). Each type has a launcher associated, which uses a list of servers and a list of proxies. You can use different types in the same session, and even direct connections to the server.
When a muhstik clone succeed to connect to an IRC server, it becomes autonomous, like a bot. For example if it looses its connection, it can try to reconnect if it is the first time it has been thrown out.
Here comes the most interesting part of muhstik: its spirit of contradiction. All clones analyse the IRC operations they can see and if they are op, they will deop or kick any enemy operator in action, and op any friend on join or deop. The difficult point is to know at any time who is a friend and who is not. For that, the nicknames of the online clones are stored in their memory, in addition to a list of protected nicks.
http://us.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amiga/anubis-3.2.3.lha :
Anubis is an outgoing mail processor, and provides the SMTP tunnel
between the MUA (Mail User Agent) and the MTA (Mail Transport Agent).
It operates as a proxy server daemon, independently from mail user agents,
and can manage and process outgoing mail on the fly using a highly
configurable rule system, based on a regular expressions (PerlRE) system.
Anubis can edit outgoing mail headers, encrypt and/or sign mail with GnuPG,
build secure SMTP tunnels using the TLS/SSL encryption even if your
mail user agent doesn't support it, or tunnel a connection through a SOCKS
proxy server.
http://us.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amiga/abcm2ps-3.0.19.lha :
abcm2ps is a program which converts music tunes from ABC format to PostScript.
Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5 (see Contacts below), it was developped mainly to
print barock organ scores which have independant voices played on one or many
keyboards and a pedal-board.
http://us.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amiga/bnclient-0.1.lha :
no readme included, found this in the bnclient.c :
* bnclient - a ncurses based Battle.net Client
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Felix Opatz <felix@zotteljedi.de>
* Homepage: http://www.zotteljedi.de/bnet/
Software News : Comment 4 of 4ANN.lu
Posted by dcr8520 on 16-Jul-2002 23:50 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (catohagen):
wow!... you are a beast catohagen,, thx anyway ;)
James/Mike: the next time visit my hp if want know it... :P
Anonymous, there are 4 items in your selection
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