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[Web] (Im)Patient AmigasANN.lu
Posted on 16-Oct-2002 15:24 GMT by Teemu I. Yliselä16 comments
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Robert Du Gaue and Harv Laser wrote this article about the Amiwest show for California Computer News.

Read the article
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 1 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by davy on 16-Oct-2002 17:58 GMT
sad, but true.Another disillusioned amiga person.:(
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 2 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by gz on 16-Oct-2002 18:42 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (davy):
Yeah? And in what way were his words disillusioned?
I couldn't find any untruths in his views, everything he said was true:
Os4 isn't ready, joe public are still waiting for an amigaone, AI have threated legal actions against companies but STILL NOT sueing anyone and meanwhile their flagship product is creeping slow as a turtle (DE), amiga shows keep shrinking every year with maybe some exceptions etc...
If you don't agree with his views that's fine, but don't call a person disillusioned when it's truth that you don't want to hear.
I do believe in os4 and that it will be a great amigaos version (and will probably buy it), but I can't buy it yet and that won't make me disillusioned either.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 3 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by strobe on 16-Oct-2002 18:42 GMT
He wouldn't be so frustrated if he followed and reported on the progress of MorphOS |-)
C'mon folks, Amiga Inc. exists to frustrate you. Again and again and again. I mean how many of you were duped into believing AOS4 running on new hardware would be available this year? HA!
As for myself I don't plan to become an early adopter for either camp, that is unless somebody figures out how to runn one of these OSs on a Titanium Powerbook.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 4 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by strobe on 16-Oct-2002 18:44 GMT
By the way, what the hell does AmigaDE have to do with the Amiwest show? If they packaged horsemeat and labeled it AmigaFood would you eat it?!?!
I guess so!
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 5 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by strobe on 16-Oct-2002 18:48 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (gz):
gz, I don't know how well you know the english language but disillusioned doesn't mean liar.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 6 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by gz on 16-Oct-2002 20:22 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (strobe):
Oops... Sorry. There are holes in my english that's for sure, I must have been misunderstanding the first post :(
APOLOGIES about that for the first person on this thread...
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 7 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by Alkemyst on 17-Oct-2002 02:45 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (strobe):
"He wouldn't be so frustrated if he followed and reported on the progress of MorphOS |-)"
Yes he would be as MOS is MOS & not AmigaOS.
He wants AmigaOS
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 8 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by NeRP on 17-Oct-2002 14:05 GMT
MorphOS has been around for at least 4 years now, and they aren't much
ahead of the Hyperion team, if at all. They're only rushing to the
market now because of impending doom.
They had their chance.... a nice wide open market, and they did
nothing with it. Had they released good working software and
marketed it back *then* then perhaps I would be running MorphOS on my
PPC's now.....
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 9 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by Casey R Williams on 17-Oct-2002 17:16 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Alkemyst):
I think I've finally figured it out! The name cult is made up of people who have been taunting their PC mates about the "new Amiga" for so many years that they've got to have the Amiga brand or else they'll never be vindicated! Saying they'd bought a Pegasos running MOS just wouldn't be as redeeming after so many years of "just you wait until the new Amiga comes out..." (But getting said PC mates to run AmigaDE/AACE/OE on their PCs would really be the ultimate last laugh!) Either that's it or they've all got "Amiga" tatooed somewhere on their bodies.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 10 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by strobe on 17-Oct-2002 18:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (NeRP):
Have you even seen the AmigaOS 4 demos?
AOS4 is a joke compared to MorphOS. They don't even have it running on new hardware!
I see no evidence of rushing here. As for MorphOS being in development longer that's due to the fact they have to reimplement the 3.x libraries/ROMs. It takes longer, but it will run faster since they will all be PPC native.
If AmigaOS on AmigaOne happens I'll check it out for sure, but I don't see why anybody would be prepared to wait until 2004 for it.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 11 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by Alkemyst on 17-Oct-2002 18:49 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (strobe):
get this once & for all.
the ppl wanting Aos4 want AmigaOs they dont want MOS OK its that simple.
"AOS4 is a joke compared to MorphOS"
so what OS4 looks like a joke to the latest MAC-OS.
so seeing AS well can run that new MacOSx on new Mac HW, we should all drop amiga & go MacOS-x.
NO you would say cos you dont want MacOS-X & the same goes for MOS. ppl wanting AmigaOS want Aos4.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 12 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 17-Oct-2002 19:36 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Casey R Williams):
LOL! Well, actually I'm not LOLing. You're painfully correct, and it's damn sad.
AmigaOS could have lived on under the Amiga name. Instead the latest in the line of trademark owners went ahead and killed it off for real this time. Today, the closest related successor seems to be MorphOS. Of course I'm open and eager to try MorphOS out (as well as OpenBeOS, etc, etc), and it hurts to see the most braindead trademark fanatics say things like "if AmigaOS dies I'll go to X/Y/Z - but NEVER to MorphOS!". Retards. If a Belgian lawyer hadn't had his say, then what's known as MorphOS would BE AmigaOS today, using the preciousssssssss trademark.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 13 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by strobe on 17-Oct-2002 22:42 GMT
The fundamental reason why AmogaOS4 looks like a joke compared to MorphOS is:
Does Mac OS X do this? Does LinuxPPC do this?
<insert huge image of the word "NO!">
Not only does it run 3.x apps on new hardware, it runs them über-fast! Think about it, NATIVE PPC 3.x LIBRARIES!
This was the original PROMISE of the Amiga partners!
Just because company A promises something first and company B later DELIVERS on it doesn't mean I'll wait for company A to get their shít together!
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 14 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by Don Cox on 18-Oct-2002 05:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 13 (strobe):
"The fundamental reason why AmigaOS4 looks like a joke compared to
Surely they will both do that?
Even Amithlon does that (and faster).
The interesting question will be whether some desirable program
appears that works only on MorphOS or only on AmigaOS 4.
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 15 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by Donovan Reeve on 18-Oct-2002 22:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Casey R Williams):
AmigaDE/AACE/OE on their PCs would really be the ultimate last laugh!) Either that's it or they've all got "Amiga" tatooed somewhere on
their bodies.
Ahh... you found me out.
You won't get me to show you the tatoo, though. ;)
(Im)Patient Amigas : Comment 16 of 16ANN.lu
Posted by Donovan Reeve on 18-Oct-2002 22:10 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (strobe):
> If AmigaOS on AmigaOne happens I'll check it out for sure, but I don't see why anybody would be prepared to wait until 2004 for it.
Who's waiting? I still use my several computers and various OSes all the time.
You needen't think that just because we want the new Amiga O.S. and are willing
to wait for it that we are holding our breath and turning blue. Anything good
is worth waiting for, and the wait doesn't make the product any less desireable.
Only fools think they have to have instant gratification all the time. I have
plenty to do and work with in the mean time, so waiting patiantly as long as it
takes is no hardship.
Donovan Reeve (bubby@inebraska.com)
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