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[News] Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002ANN.lu
Posted on 25-Nov-2002 12:05 GMT by Jens Schönfeld (Edited on 2002-11-25 13:27:25 GMT by Christian Kemp)171 comments
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Thendic France will have 30 Pegasos computers on display at ARC 2002. All employees of Genesi will be present, and there will even be a small museum with rare computers! Update: Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck point out that there will only be 30 machines instead of the figure of 50 mentioned earlier, since that is all that is going to fit in their allocated space. Thendic France has increased their exhibition area, making themselves the biggest exhibitor of AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002. The reason for this extension is the amount of computers that they are presenting. Visitors of the show have the opportunity to persuade themselves of the combination of the new PPC board and MorphOS. The same amount of computers will be provided for the betatester-cxonference that will take place on the same weekend in room "Berlin 1" of the Dorint-Hotel "Quellenhof", which is located right next to the Eurogress. Thendic France has finalized the booking of this room during a meeting that took place in Aachen on november 21st.

The new company Genesi that unites Thendic France and bplan Germany will be present with all personnel at the show. More than 20 developers of hard- and software will answer your questions.

Read more about the technical data of Pegasos, that has been provided by Thendic France.

In addition to the new machines, Thendic will also bring part of their museum to Aachen. Rare machines like the Walker (Amiga successor that has never been produced) and 8-bit commodore machines will be on display at a separate booth. All the machines are still intact, so you can experience them in action!

Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 1 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Roy on 25-Nov-2002 11:31 GMT
Well, i will give pegasos a try (at least to see the computer in action etc;) but I want a A1 + OS4. I was planning to go to ARC 2002, but since it's 350 kms away I doubt if i'm going to the show. Is the show also interesting for A1+OS4 "lovers" ?? in short: will (any) A1 + OS4 + participating companies/people be at the show?
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 2 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 11:52 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (Roy):
Amiga Inc. and their partners will not be participating according to their own announcement. They don't have time for it.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 3 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Steve on 25-Nov-2002 12:04 GMT
I think this show will be interesting for any current Amiga users who have a minimum of curiosity (In fact this will interest any people who are a bit curious :) ).
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 4 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 12:56 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (Anonymous):
hehe. they dont come to the show because else many a1/os4 followers would see pegasos/mos in action, which is, obviously, not good for them to let their followers see the competition. its all about religion and keeping people blind.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 5 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 13:10 GMT
Amiga inc is just the Titanic heading towards a Ice Burg,
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 6 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by DaveW on 25-Nov-2002 13:40 GMT
Too many notes...
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 7 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by mahen on 25-Nov-2002 13:57 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Anonymous):
Please, don't start a flamewar !
(using terms such as 'followers' sounds really
unfriendly), and by the way, there shouldn't be
MOS or AOS followers, just amigans interested in what's
going on...
So, once again, guys, I summon your friendlyness,
tolerance, common sens ! Very exciting times ahead.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 8 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Jack Me on 25-Nov-2002 13:59 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Anonymous):
So why was the A1 & OS4 on display at the WOASE as well as MOS? That wasn't a very well thought out troll now was it.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 9 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by catohagen on 25-Nov-2002 14:27 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Anonymous):
>many a1/os4 followers would see pegasos/mos in action
they didnt see mos in action, because it crashed to much....I saw at the video
a guy typing cgxmode in a shell, and the machine hung...and then blame that
apps make mos crash....or is cgxmode still beta ?
I would recommend Thendic,Genesi,mos whatever to get the OS stable before crying
out that its here and you can buy it now, just to get a few more members to their
tiny community of ex.amigans
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 10 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by mahen on 25-Nov-2002 14:32 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (catohagen):
Please, can YOU also stop bashing the other parties
every time you have the opportunity ?
It's IMPORTANT you ALL get AWARE you MUST contribute
to calming everyone down, by stopping :
- saying negative comments everytime
- insulting people etc...
- considering you belong to a "camp" (there's no fucking camp !!!)
(it's not for you, for everyone)
I don't try to defend MOS (which, BTW I use everyday and
find very stable. Ask the other beta testers), I'm just
trying to make this place more pleasant. Otherwise, the
community will sink.
This is very very serious.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 11 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by mahen on 25-Nov-2002 14:37 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (catohagen):
BTW MOS users *are* amigans. Why spreading the idea
that the community has to split, that there must be camps,
that members of a given camp are against the members of the
other camp etc... ??
We all want the same thing, so we must all be friendly
and cooperate.
Don't reproduce what has happened so many times in the past.
Every one must stand back, WAIT&SEE.
Be constructive and frienly.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 12 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Stefan 'Develin' Blixth on 25-Nov-2002 14:46 GMT
I really can't understand why some people think that the Pegasos
will crack up the "community". I'm an Amigan by heart, to me the
Pegasos is as much Amiga as the AmigaONE.
We have no plans abandon AmigaOS just because our current OS doesn't
have the same name as before.
I still have my CSPPC, but since I want to be able to really use
the power of the PPC-chip NOW I went to the Pegasos because it was
available. I will support OS4 aswell, I do hope that Hyperion think
logical and support the Pegasos aswell. Neither way, I still have my
A4000 which will be able to utilise OS4.
And there is a lot of untrue rumours about MOS being flaky, well
I've been using it for over 1 month now and there hasn't been more
crashes than OS3.9 on my A4k, so please stop trow dirt like that!
Stefan 'Develin' Blixth / OnyxSoft
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 13 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Adur on 25-Nov-2002 15:09 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (Stefan 'Develin' Blixth):
> I do hope that Hyperion think logical and support the Pegasos aswell.
It not depends on Hyperion.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 14 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 15:18 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (Stefan 'Develin' Blixth):
@ mahen & Stefan 'Develin' Blixth
People getting along is all well and good, but no matter how you play with the words MOS is not AOS, and MOS users are not Amigans. Stop perpetuating the lie that MOS is a nextgen Amiga. Let it stand on it's own 2 feet.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 15 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 15:18 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (Jack Me):
perhaps now they are fedup,
they where at a-expo at same time as thendic and unfortunately
they had nothing to show and there was nothing to
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 16 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Stefan Blixth on 25-Nov-2002 15:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 13 (Adur):
Well, in one way no (licence issues)...
...on the other side - who will make it except them ? :-)
Stefan 'Develin' Blixth
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 17 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by priest on 25-Nov-2002 15:24 GMT
These are dangerous times for MOS&pegasos...
They absolutely need to get the OS out before AOS4 is ready. If AOS4 would come out first it would kill of the MOS market in the AmigaLand.
On the other hand, if they start selling immature and buggy product, they will loose ground in the longer run, even though they initially might capture more users (at Aachen)...
Time will tell ... very interesting time btw.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 18 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Stefan Blixth on 25-Nov-2002 15:24 GMT
In reply to Comment 14 (Anonymous):
Since when did I state that MOS+Pegasos was the NextGen Amiga?
It can be a next gen. Amiga incase all parties can co-operate together though.
Stefan 'Develin' Blixth
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 19 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Jack Me on 25-Nov-2002 15:26 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (Anonymous):
Well at least what they did show didn't crash all the time unlike this other OS I saw there.;)
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 20 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by priest on 25-Nov-2002 15:27 GMT
about splitting the community ...
We need to encourage SW developers to support both platforms (and perhaps boycott developers that support only the other one). I think that's the key to happy co-existance.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 21 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Mick Sutton on 25-Nov-2002 15:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Anonymous):
Then how come they both attended our show WoASE on 2nd November?
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 22 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by mahen on 25-Nov-2002 15:38 GMT
In reply to Comment 20 (priest):
Yep, absolutely.
As for the MOS users being not Amigans.....
That's 100% wrong. MorphOS is designed from the start
to be amiga-ish, to be an unofficial continuation of the
So OK, it's not AmigaOS, but it's an OS which is AS AMIGA-ISH
AS AmigaOS itself, which interests people who are interested in
amigaOS, which is for the time being compatible with AmigaOS...
So, at THIS time, before both OS'es evolve in a different way,
MOS is definitely considered as an OS for Amigans.
In my opinion, "amigans" makes more sense considering a common
history, common values etc. than considering the current AmigaINC
(which didn't want AmigaOS in the first place, but that's not my
My point was just : there is no camp. Just two similar products.
So everyone should be happy :)
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 23 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 15:38 GMT
In reply to Comment 18 (Stefan Blixth):
>Since when did I state that MOS+Pegasos was the NextGen Amiga?
-We have no plans abandon AmigaOS just because our current OS doesn't
-have the same name as before.
May not have been how you personally meant it, but there has been a concentrated effort by 'others' to perpetuate the lie that MOS is the NG Amiga.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 24 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Adur on 25-Nov-2002 15:40 GMT
In reply to Comment 20 (priest):
> We need to encourage SW developers to support both platforms
Support both platforms mean more money spend to developing and mean
slower developing.
I hope software companys choose only one platform and it will be AmigaOS
(real AmigaOS).
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 25 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by mahen on 25-Nov-2002 15:48 GMT
In reply to Comment 23 (Anonymous):
It's up to each individual to decide whether MorphOS is
his a next gen amigaOS. I don't mean the trademark, read my post
About the "real thing" : both OS'es could be the nex AmigaOS.
If MorphOS was called amigaOS, it would be the real thing for
you. Both OS'es are made by long term amiga contributors, are
meant to be a successor (official or not) of the AmigaOS etc.
Again, read my post above.
I know AOS uses the source code of OS3. But anyway most things
should be rewritten. That's already done in MOS, so that's not
particularly a bad thing for MOS.
We could also that the AmigaInc was initially a company which didn't
have much to do with the Amiga though it had the name. Personnally,
I think that Genesi is much more an Amiga company than Amiga
But I don't want to start another war.
My point was just : no prejudice about the different OS'es. Keep open
minded and optimistic, and just wait for the final products, or ask
friendly questions.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 26 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 25-Nov-2002 16:27 GMT
In reply to Comment 24 (Adur):
Supporting 3.x is quite dead end nowdays and 4.0 has been coming allmost 2 years now ... Expecting all SW/HW developers just to keep on waiting???
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 27 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Adur on 25-Nov-2002 16:37 GMT
In reply to Comment 26 (JoannaK):
> Supporting 3.x is quite dead end nowdays
You are right
> Expecting all SW/HW developers just to keep on waiting???
Don't tell me they writing software for MorphOS.
We don't have new Amiga, new AmigaOS and we don't have new software. I hope
it changes when OS 4 will be published.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 28 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by NihilVor on 25-Nov-2002 17:01 GMT
In reply to Comment 25 (mahen):
I’m not trying to flame you but why all of the hyperbole. I mean things like "MorphOS is as Amigaish"; hell you could say that Linux is more Amigaish in an effort to get people to try it out. MorphOs is in the same boat of other 3.x compatible systems that allow people to use Amiga programs on new platforms (i.e. Aros); however, they constantly try to misrepresent what their OS is. I’m much more interested in Aros because of OS4, which is a more significant release, has the features I want, and as I see it, potentially a better use of my money.
As far as marketing: I put MorphOs on the same level as Amiga. MorphOs’ constant "tit for tat" news releases and they way they copy everything Amiga does (t-shirts, museums, etc.) annoy me. At first it seemed like a joke because as many will remember that is the game the fictious Iwin perpetuated (if you copy Amiga enough, you may seem like them?). Personally, I feel Hyperium has been much more professional (than Amiga or MorphOS); their product will speak for them.
As it stands I’m not too interested in the MorphOs project. I feel that their time would be better spent developing the native MorphOs for those that wish to program for it, and leaving the Amiga to Hyperium, Aros, Amithlon, etc. (damn our resources are spread out). It seems that MorphOs could develop a niche for itself—perhaps video or something that parallels some of the interests that Amiga users share, but I guess that won't happen.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 29 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 25-Nov-2002 17:21 GMT
In reply to Comment 27 (Adur):
I have no Mos machine so I can't test any softwares but what I have seen and heard at least following companies are having/making native MOS verions of their softwares.
IOSpirit (fxPaint)
Epic Interactive (Software Tycoon)
Vaporware (some..)
Titan Computers (Alien Nations)
And native PPC-ports of thngs like Poseidon USB stack, Frogger, ScumVM, Freeciv, YAM, Aweb, CED etc..
Note: there may well be much more, but as I'm not having Pegasos/Mos I have not looked so closely. Apparently MOS has quite a lot support, and I thin that Aachen may be time for announcement of two.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 30 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by itix on 25-Nov-2002 17:41 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (catohagen):
There are certain software which wont work on MorphOS but just freezes system (that is, ABox have crashed). Don't know if cgxmode is one tho but it has crashed here on Amiga side too.
Certainly there are still bugs in MOS/ABox but no one said it is perfect anyway.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 31 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 17:42 GMT
In reply to Comment 22 (mahen):
"As for the MOS users being not Amigans..... That's 100% wrong. MorphOS is designed from the start to be amiga-ish, to be an unofficial continuation of the AmigaOS."
'Unofficial' is the keyword here. 'Reverse-engineered' would be even more appropriate, while 'illegal' and 'ripoff' are often used in the same context.
If people honestly think having two operating systems available in an already divided community is going to help the situation you're deluding yourselves. Someone had to secure the Amiga IP rights from Gateway and like it or not, they are the keepers of the flame. What exactly did Thendic/bPlan/Genesi do to contribute to this? Zilch. It's obvious that they won't license OS4 because it will jeopardize the future of MorphOS.
A group hug is *not* going to make this situation any better.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 32 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 25-Nov-2002 17:48 GMT
In reply to Comment 31 (anonymous):
"They are keepers of the Name" would be more appropriate IMHO.
But this entire post is quite obviously trolling attempt.. Please..
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 33 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 25-Nov-2002 18:06 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (catohagen):
I shot that vid :)
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 34 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 25-Nov-2002 18:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 13 (Adur):
It depends on Genesi & them getting a licence
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 35 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by NihilVor on 25-Nov-2002 18:16 GMT
In reply to Comment 32 (JoannaK):
No, not "the name" rhetoric again! This was true during the first ten months, but Amiga has is the most significant upgrade to the OS in years, and Amiga has increasingly become more involved in working with Hyperium and promoting the upgrade. Give them a little credit. :-)
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 36 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by AlBolone on 25-Nov-2002 18:19 GMT
Rationally spoken I really enjoy just the fact that after so many years of rather frustrating fairs and shows there is some *big* movement now on the market! And it has a wonderful professional touch that there is a new hard- and software product that will be presented in such scale and numbers. Despite any discussion about which OS is better and should make it I pay all my respect to Thendic and bplan for getting things done like that! It was about time to experience something like that again. And of course I would like to see the very same thing happen on the other side at Amiga Inc. (just imagina a mega booth where you can see and touch 30 AmigaOne with OS4 -- neat!) ...
I wish both of them the very best, since their ambitions should be appreciated!
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 37 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Troels E on 25-Nov-2002 19:13 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (Stefan 'Develin' Blixth):
"And there is a lot of untrue rumours about MOS being flaky, well
I've been using it for over 1 month now and there hasn't been more
crashes than OS3.9 on my A4k, so please stop trow dirt like that!"
Come on! Don't compare the Pegasos stability with your old unstable A-4K, offcourse it should be better.
I don't know why you call it __rumours__ that MOS is unstable, it has crashed several times every time it has been on show.
I tried it at the Gothenborg presentation... And it crashed and acted weird when you moved windows around the screen.
If you don't believe me ask Gunne from the Amiga shop there (cant remember it's name???). He saw it and we came to the conclusion that it needed a reboot... Again!
But offcourse as long as MOS only crashes at shows and is rock stable when the betatesters use it at home, theres no problem :-)
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 38 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 19:41 GMT
and they say they have no interest in amiga users...
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 39 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by José on 25-Nov-2002 19:48 GMT
In reply to Comment 11 (mahen):
Thendic wahtever are being parasites in what concerns Pegasus, or at least not acting accodingly to their own actions:
Why didn't phase5/Bplan/Thendic gently gave their hardware speccs to Amiga developers? Why have they tried to block people from using other software on their hardare from a long time (WarpUp/PowerUP), and still they are parasiting other's work?
I didn't like the way AINc is handling AmigaOS, saying there will be AmigaOSx86 on mainstream sites is plain stupid IMO. But it's not a conduct problem, it's their strategy I don't like. But the other side seems to have a "conduct" problem in various ways.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 40 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 20:00 GMT
You are really disgusting! Stop this stupid bashings against AOS 4 or
Both MorphOS and AmigaOS 4 are interesting products for any
respectable Amiga user.
You really should try to take more information on these OS as it seems
that some of you are really bad information on them.
Seeing people stating that MorphOS is illegal for example is really
sad. It's a perfectly legal OS just like AmigaOS 4.
About people bashing AmigaOS 4, even if it's respectable that you may
have doubts on it (also valid for people who have doubt on MorphOS),
this should be considered as the same level as MorphOS.
Every respectable Amiga users should go to the Aachen show just to
take more information on MorphOS and then consider it without
pre-judgments to have a better idea on what it is. Same for MorphOS
fans, they should go to any show where OS 4 is presented and consider
it without any pre-judgments.
Be respectable a Amiga user or be a cowards that bash the OS it does
even don't know at all, just because he have pre-judgments. It's up to
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 41 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Leif on 25-Nov-2002 20:05 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (Troels E):
I tried it at the Gothenborg presentation... And it crashed and acted weird when you moved windows around the screen.
Let me guess.. The AROS demos were running ?
*They* crashed when I was looking at them too,
not because buggy MorphOS, but buggy demos.
It didnt behave any weird or unstable when I tried
other stuff on it, like CED, prefs, multiview, etc..
It sounds to me as you just want it to be buggy, and takes
the first oppourtunity you get to bash it without looking further.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 42 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 25-Nov-2002 20:05 GMT
In reply to Comment 39 (José):
Hi Jose,
Take a look to my 2 cents here:
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 43 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 25-Nov-2002 20:07 GMT
In reply to Comment 41 (Leif):
"and acted weird when you moved windows around the screen"
This is because the simple_refresh was set. From what I heard it is just a setting that can be changed.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 44 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 21:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 32 (JoannaK):
'"They are keepers of the Name" would be more appropriate IMHO. But this entire post is quite obviously trolling attempt.. Please..'
Trolling? Ok, what exactly warrants MorphOS as a legimate Amiga solution?
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 45 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by ME!!!! on 25-Nov-2002 21:11 GMT
In reply to Comment 13 (Adur):
Are you sure???
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 46 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by catohagen on 25-Nov-2002 21:13 GMT
In reply to Comment 17 (priest):
>They absolutely need to get the OS out before AOS4 is ready. If AOS4 would come out >first it would kill of the MOS market in the AmigaLand.
Exactly.....its kinda the thing i am hoping for :)
and by the desperate amounts of thendic news in the press lately, they are trying as hard as they can to bring all the attention towards them as they can..
Take Ann and Amiga.org(mostly ann) away from them and they would surely fail and die, I dont see much news around on other places, so amigans are their pri.1
marked....and that probably will hurt the real products who has the *name*
As I would still call myself an amiga user, Amiga products has to sell and
stay alive....thendic try to prevent this.....so to me, they are bad news.
>On the other hand, if they start selling immature and buggy product, they will >loose ground in the longer run, even though they initially might capture more users >(at Aachen)...
This is the good news, every show they attend with their buggy OS they loose
customers.....im sure if MOS where complete, they probably could win this marked,
but as they are really desperate and try to sell beta packages to Joe Public,
they hope to gain some ground for a future bigger marked and will surely
promise several *boing balls* to fix mos....
Also all the secrets they tend to keep, not releasing feature list and the leeching off the amiga name, disgusts me.....dirty tricks...release the email
from fleecy to ann, bill buck*s attempt to make one user a pervert and dig out
info with his name(the digitaldataporn site http://www.lindkvist.com/digitaldataporn/xxx.html) just because he argued with him...(this site is just pics of old hardware)
Removing screenshots of mos(maybe they revealed something *illegal*)
Amiga world would be better without them, just my opinion...
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 47 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by anonymous on 25-Nov-2002 21:13 GMT
In reply to Comment 40 (Anonymous):
"Seeing people stating that MorphOS is illegal for example is really
sad. It's a perfectly legal OS just like AmigaOS 4."
Exactly how does MorphOS have standing with OS4? In any other market this issue would have been resolved long ago. I can't wait for the Mac-Box.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 48 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by itix on 25-Nov-2002 21:24 GMT
In reply to Comment 24 (Adur):
>> We need to encourage SW developers to support both platforms
> Support both platforms mean more money spend to developing and mean
> slower developing.
You are quite wrong here... At least for now supporting both platforms
is not problem at all. They both implement CGX, MUI, standard libraries
and so on... But of course developer must have both systems for testing.
And there isnt big money in Amiga market anyway :) :(
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 49 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Eva on 25-Nov-2002 21:40 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (Jack Me):
Mmm I simply think that AmigaInc and Hyperion have none to show, really. Only alphas of a sort of "OS" that run on 68k processors.
Thendic France is biggest exhibitor of ARC2002 : Comment 50 of 171ANN.lu
Posted by Troels E on 25-Nov-2002 22:32 GMT
In reply to Comment 41 (Leif):
"Let me guess.. The AROS demos were running ?"
No Aros demos where running.
At one point Ibrowse was running and Morphos crashed needing a reboot.
2 minutes later it crashed when using ImageFX, again a reboot was needed.
I was not even using Ibrowse when it crashed first time, but it was running while I messed with some other stuff (actual parts of MOS).
"*They* crashed when I was looking at them too,
not because buggy MorphOS, but buggy demos."
(Nice excuse:) I know buggy software can take down the system but I find it strange that ImageFX and Ibrowse suddenly is more buggy on a Pegasos/morphos than it is here on my A-1200?
Could it be that the emulation is buggy and it isn't always the fault of the programs, I think so?
"It didnt behave any weird or unstable when I tried
other stuff on it, like CED, prefs, multiview, etc.."
Well it did when i messed with that, but as I wrote Ibrowse was also running.
"It sounds to me as you just want it to be buggy, and takes
the first oppourtunity you get to bash it without looking further."
Well I find it funny that most betatesters state that _their_ system are very stable but that we can see it crash (several times) at EVERY demonstration.
We went to Gothenborg (a 300Km drive every way) to see the A1 and the Pegasos, and to gather an impression from both systems and I didn't get to impressed with the Pegasos/MOS stability, it may be good enough to you but is rather useless in it's current state to me.
It's not like I don't want to give MOS a chance. If that was the case we would have gone back home after right the A1 presentation, it's not like Gothenborg is the most exiting place to spend a saturday night:-) (atleast not when you don't know the best disco and bars...).
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