[Files] New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! | ANN.lu |
Posted on 28-Nov-2002 18:12 GMT by VMC Harald Frank | 12 comments View flat View list |
In Beta 161changes are fixes to Installer Script and small problem that
could only happen on systems with less than 2 tv-card or non-existent
channel list prefs :) You can simply download the new Beta from our Download section or
click just here on it's name. Finally we made the AmithlonTV FAQ
section up and ready and added some interresting question/answers
that was suggested inside of some comments on various Amiga related
newssites. In screenshot section we added pictures of our current
GUI, so that people can get some idea about how it looks like to the
user side.
VMC Harald Frank
In Beta 161
version changes are some fixes to Installer Script and fix of small problem
that could only happen on systems with less than 2 tv-card or non-existent
channel list prefs :) You can simply download the new Beta from our Download
section or click just here on it's link name.
Finally we made the
section up and ready and added some interresting question/answers that was
suggested inside of some comments on various Amiga related newssites.
In screenshot section
we added pictures of our current GUI, so that people can get some idea about how
it looks like from the user interface side.
Have alot of fun with it :)
VMC Harald Frank, Developer and Founder of Amithlon
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 1 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by KenH on 28-Nov-2002 22:31 GMT | Is this Bernie's product? If not, I've no interest in it. |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 2 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by VMC Harald Frank on 28-Nov-2002 23:07 GMT | In reply to Comment 1 (KenH): Hello KenH,
if you dont know what it is, just go to it's website and be
free to read somewhat about AmithlonTV and who made it.
Best regards
VMC Harald Frank, Developer and Founder of Amithlon |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 3 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Kasserool on 28-Nov-2002 23:46 GMT | In reply to Comment 1 (KenH): So you want Bernie to make all the apps released for amithlon. jeez |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 4 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Nov-2002 02:22 GMT | I have an ATI AIW 7500. The tuner is in the list of tuner libs. TVCardDump does nothing. What's up? |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 5 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by VMC Harald Frank on 29-Nov-2002 12:21 GMT | In reply to Comment 4 (Anonymous): Hello Anon,
your ATI TV card model maybe use some other tv-signal chip.
TV-card most times are built from severall parts like:
tuner, tv-chip, radio-tuner, audio chip...
AmithlonTV has for many of them some library code to handle
with, but there are still some combinations that are not
directly supported and need some extra fiddle inside of the
code, or maybe some extra code to be written.
But best would be you jump into our mailinglist, so that
all your questions and answer about this are visible to all
other interrested people who may have the same card as you :)
Guido Mersmann will give you there all help he can do, so
you can be in good hope to soon watch tv on your workbench.
Best regards,
VMC Harald Frank, Developer and Founder of Amithlon |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 6 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Darrin on 30-Nov-2002 12:07 GMT | In reply to Comment 5 (VMC Harald Frank): ...and where can someone buy a LEGAL copy of Amithlon to run this on? |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 7 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by VMC Harald Frank on 30-Nov-2002 13:53 GMT | In reply to Comment 6 (Darrin): Hello Darrin,
you can buy AmigaOS XL including Amithlon by any normal Amiga
related dealer. If they do not have it in stock, they will if
you order it get it for you within some days.
As Haage&Partner and me has many often said, AmigaOS XL and
Amithlon are full valid licenced products. The people who has
another *meaning* about this are free to take any needed legal
action to proove us wrong.
As long not you or any other has any rights in ip ownership
infringed by our product, it would be friendly enough and nice
to not spread more of this McEwen/Meyer/Hogget FUD around.
Currently there are no ip rights violated and there is also no
court decission made about such, that are the facts, not more
and not less. Thats how the law works and not otherwise.
Look Darrin, just because some say "i heard heard about, but
maybe i am not sure about illegal, but h&p is involved so they
must be guilty!", the gag gets older and older with every
reply i read about that somwhere on the web.
And, be sure that there will be others who start again now to
say "i know i better, not because i am involved in that, no i
am a expert in any crap that is ongoing..."
Anyway.. have a lot of fun, it's weekend.. trouble will start
first at monday :)
Best regards
VMC Harald Frank |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 8 of 12 | ANN.lu |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 9 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Darrin on 30-Nov-2002 17:28 GMT | In reply to Comment 7 (VMC Harald Frank): Dear Frank,
Thank you for your statement. It's the first response I've seen from the HP side since Bernie's statement saying it was no longer legal to sell the product.
Now I'm confused. One author says it's LEGAL and the other says it's ILLEGAL and the "Product Sometimes Refered To As Amithlon 2" seems to be in limbo.
What are the current relations between yourself, HP, Bernie and Amiga Inc like (no swearing please)?
Monday may be interesting... perhaps I should never have asked my question... :) |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 10 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by KenH on 30-Nov-2002 17:41 GMT | In reply to Comment 7 (VMC Harald Frank): I trust Bernie is being paid for his work on "Amithlon 1"?
Either way, until this controvercy crap is sorted, I won't be buying the product. I mean are yous all stupid or something? Don't you know things like this DRIVES POTENTIAL BUYERS AWAY!?!(I'm not shouting but emphatically emphasising) |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 11 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by coldfire on 01-Dec-2002 11:56 GMT | In reply to Comment 7 (VMC Harald Frank): Nice response. I don't know if it's truthful or not but you all could teach ELBOX
a lot about PR.
coldfire |
New AmithlonTV Beta 161, FAQ and GUI-Screenshots Online! : Comment 12 of 12 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 01-Dec-2002 21:31 GMT | In reply to Comment 7 (VMC Harald Frank): doesn't matter mr.Harald Frank, Developer and Founder of Amithlon
coz berniethlon will kick ass when its out... |
Anonymous, there are 12 items in your selection |
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